Приказ резултата 3635-3654 од 9435

      Longitudinal Qualitative Research in Practice: Advantages, Problems and Solutions [1]
      Longitudinal Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Community Risk and Recovery Factors [1]
      Looking for hominins in Museum drawers - possible Upper Pleistocene specimens from Serbia: morphological descriptions and radiocarbon dating [1]
      Looking in the rear-view mirror: Reverse Chronicle of Covid-19 lockdown in Serbia [1]
      Lost in projection - Implicit features experience of 3D architectural forms and their projections [1]
      Lost in transition: Between late pleistocene and Early Holocene around the adriatic [1]
      Lost in Transition: The problem of early/middle to late Neolithic transition in Yugoslav/Serbian archaeology of the second half of the 20th century [1]
      Lost in Translation. Remembering the 90’s in the Public Space of Belgrade [1]
      Love in the age of cholera: Ethnographic film and visual anthropology [1]
      Love in the Third Age. Partner Relationships between Occupants of Retirement Homes and Strategies of Action [1]
      Love in the time of the post-apocalypse - ways of imagining love after the end of the world [1]
      Loving the Throne, Loving the Son, Loving the Kingly Son: The Cases of Elizabeth Szilagyi (1410-1483) and Margaret Beaufort (1441/3-1509) [1]
      Low Prevalence of Lactase Persistence in Bronze Age Europe Indicates Ongoing Strong Selection over the Last 3,000 Years [1]
      LSP university teaching: Cooperation between LSP teacher and subject teachers [1]
      Lucien Febvre: 'To merge one's life with history' [1]
      Ludwik Fleck’s concepts slicing through the Gordian Knot of Serbian Archaeology [1]
      Lujo Davičo. Fragmenti života [1]
      Lutalački etos i duh romantike - razmatranja na tragu sociologije Maksa Vebera [1]
      Lyceum's library in 1846 [1]