Приказ резултата 3640-3659 од 9415

      Low Prevalence of Lactase Persistence in Bronze Age Europe Indicates Ongoing Strong Selection over the Last 3,000 Years [1]
      LSP university teaching: Cooperation between LSP teacher and subject teachers [1]
      Lucien Febvre: 'To merge one's life with history' [1]
      Ludwik Fleck’s concepts slicing through the Gordian Knot of Serbian Archaeology [1]
      Lujo Davičo. Fragmenti života [1]
      Lutalački etos i duh romantike - razmatranja na tragu sociologije Maksa Vebera [1]
      Lyceum's library in 1846 [1]
      Lymphocyte glucocorticoid receptor expression level and hormone-binding properties differ between war trauma-exposed men with and without PTSD [1]
      Lаminаrnа tehnologijа nа prelаzu iz srednjeg u gornji pаleolit nа teritoriji centrаlnog Bаlkаnа [1]
      M. Marković, Saint Niketas near Skopje. A foundation of King Milutin, Belgrade 2015 [1]
      Macabre Goes East: A Peculiar Verse among Funerary Inscriptions of the Orthodox Christians in the Late Medieval Balkans [1]
      Machiavelli's reason of state-republicanism [1]
      MADE IN Digital Spaces connecting, (re)defining and (re)activating crafts [1]
      Made in platforma:nove tehnologije za savremeni život tradicionalnih zanata i znanja [1]
      Made in the skull's likeness: of transi tombs, identity and memento mori [1]
      MADE IN u prostorima digitalnog: povezivanje, (re)definisanje i (re)aktiviranje zanatstva [1]
      Maja Korać: U potrazi za domom, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2012 [1]
      Majka Katina among Markos's partisans or the film that never existed [1]
      Majka Katina među Markosovim partizanima ili film koji nije postojao [1]