Prikaz rezultata 2044-2063 od 9409

      Eudaimonia, Pleasure and the Defeat of Particularity [1]
      Eugenia Beu-Dachin, The Latin language in the inscriptions of Roman Dacia. [1]
      Europe is dead on the philosophy of liberation of Enrique Dussel [1]
      European Anthropologies [1]
      European education policy and management of adult education system [1]
      Europeanisation from below at the semi-periphery: the movement against small hydropower plants in Serbia [1]
      Evaluacija 'Big Five' modela ličnosti kroz analizu inventara ličnosti NEO PI-R [1]
      Evaluacija Građanskog vaspitanja u srednjim školama u Srbiji [1]
      Evaluating Social Complexity and Inequality in the Balkans Between 6500 and 4200 BC [1]
      Evaluating teachers' work: One component in the system of evaluating education work [1]
      Evaluation and meaning making of teachers' work quality [1]
      Evaluation of 'big five' personality model through analysis of personality inventories [1]
      Evaluation of high school programme for gifted pupils in physics and sciences in Serbia - experience in regional cooperation - SEENET-MTP network [1]
      Evaluation of paintings: Effects of lectures [1]
      Evaluation of the accuracy of personality judgments based on written verbal production [1]
      Everyday activities of high school students in serbia: Educational activities before and after social networks emerged [1]
      Everyday Life of Nuns in the Constantinople Monastery of the Mother of God of Sure Hope [1]
      Everyday life of special prison hospital forensic patients: Sociological study [1]
      Evidence archéologique sur les enterrements inhabituels au Moyen âge [1]
      Evidence on Animals in the Middle Ages in the Framework of Culture-Historical Paradigm [1]