Приказ резултата 4642-4661 од 9344

      Otto Wagner and Croatian architecture [1]
      Ottoman Woman, Agency and Power: Melek Hanim in Belgrade 1847-1848 [1]
      Our unique dance: Deviations in the appearance of the phases of the couples’ contact episode in the initial stage of couple therapy [1]
      Out of Africa: Images of women in anthropology and popular culture [1]
      Outcomes of new museology or how a novelist became a museologist [1]
      Outdoor изложба Владарске задужбине Немањића поводом 120. година од оснивања Музеја града Београда, октобар 2023. године [1]
      Outlining the knapping techniques: Assessment of the shape and regularity of prismatic blades using elliptic Fourier analysis [1]
      Overt and hidden curricula in theaching sociology in secondary schools : educational reforms in Serbia (1960-2006) [1]
      Overview of COA Measures in SLE Clinical Trials and Label Claims [1]
      Overview of consumer research in Western Balkan countries [1]
      Overview of temperature metaphors in Roman literature after Roman comedy [1]
      Ovraz učenikov načal'noj školy v Servii v pervoj polovine XIX veka [1]
      Owning One’s Time — Balancing Online Learning and Leisure [1]
      Oživljavanje koncepta morfogenetskog polja u objašnjenjima u biologiji [1]
      Oбразовање као компонента каријерног вођења и саветовања у транзиционим периодима професионалног развоја одраслих [1]
      Oснове јеврејске сефардске музичке традиције у Босни и Херцеговини и World music сцена [1]
      Pain and executive functions: a unique relationship between Stroop task and experimentally induced pain [1]
      Pain Asymbolia [1]
      Painters’ Names as Saints’ Amulets: Of Inscribing Oneself into Sacredness [1]
      Palace protopriest and exarch in medieval Serbian Church [1]