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The role of school pedagogue in inclusive education: How students of education see it

dc.creatorHebib, Emina
dc.creatorSpasenović, Vera
dc.description.abstractPoslednjih godina u našoj zemlji se sve intenzivnije poklanja pažnja potrebi i mogućnostima ostvarivanja inkluzivnog modela obrazovanja, koji podrazumeva obezbeđivanje jednakih prava i mogućnosti obrazovanja za sve učenike (bez obzira na individualne razlike), kao i fleksibilniji pristup u zadovoljavanju specifičnih obrazovnih i širih društvenih potreba sve dece. U promovisanju i razvijanju inkluzivnog pristupa obrazovanju stručni saradnici u školama zauzimaju značajno mesto. Istraživanjem koje smo sproveli želeli smo da utvrdimo mišljenje studenata pedagogije o ulozi školskog pedagoga u primeni inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Kao istraživačku tehniku koristili smo anketiranje, odnosno konstruisali smo upitnik s pitanjima otvorenog i zatvorenog tipa. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 87 studenata treće i četvrte godine studija pedagogije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Nalazi ukazuju da ispitani studenti uviđaju značaj problema obrazovanja učenika s posebnim potrebama, kao i složenost i zahtevnost uloge pedagoga u primeni inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Većina ispitanih studenata smatra da nije adekvatno osposobljena za rad s učenicima sa posebnim potrebama i konkretno navodi znanja i veštine koje su im u tom pogledu potrebne. U radu se ističe neophodnost vršenja izmena u programskim dokumentima za rad stručnih saradnika u školi, ali i u programima studija pedagogije, kako bi se stvorili uslovi za uspešno delovanje školskog pedagoga u inkluzivnom
dc.description.abstractIn recent years the need and possibilities of implementing the inclusive model of education which implies provision of equal rights and opportunities for education for all students (regardless personal differences) and a more flexible approach to satisfying specific educational and wider social needs of all children has attracted increasing attention in our country. School pedagogues play an important role in promoting and developing the inclusive approach to education. By the research we con­ducted we wanted to determine the views of students of education on the role of the school pedagogue in the application of inclusive education. Regarding the research technique, we opted for polling, i.e. we construed a questionnaire with both open and closed questions. The research comprised 87 third and fourth year students of education in the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The results indicate that the examined students do understand the gravity of the problem of students-with-special-needs education. Most of them think that they are not receiving adequate training for work with students with special needs and they singled out the types of knowledge and skills they think would be required in this respect. The paper offers some suggestions for altering the programme documents which define the work of school pedagogues, as well as for curricular changes in Education studies in order to provide better conditions for efficient work of school pedagogues in inclusive education.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectučenici s posebnim potrebamasr
dc.subjectstudije pedagogijesr
dc.subjectškolski pedagozisr
dc.subjectinkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.titleUloga školskog pedagoga u primeni inkluzivnog obrazovanja - pogled studenata pedagogijesr
dc.titleThe role of school pedagogue in inclusive education: How students of education see iten
dc.citation.other59(2): 297-313

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