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Harrassment at work: A view into the new perspective

dc.creatorČizmić, Svetlana
dc.creatorVukelić, Milica
dc.description.abstractMaltretiranje na radnom mestu je tema koja još od devedesetih godina prošlog veka privlači pažnju evropskih naučnika. Nažalost, brojna sistematska istraživanja ovog fenomena sprovedena u tih dvadesetak godina ostaju relativno nepoznata našoj stručnoj javnosti, pa se izučavanje ove teme mahom svodi na studije slučajeva iz prakse psihijatara, kliničkih psihologa i predstavnika radničkih sindikata. S obzirom na to da je pomenuti pristup izučavanju ove teme dragocen, ali nedovoljno sveobuhvatan za njeno razumevanje, ovaj rad ima za cilj da pruži sažeti prikaz aktuelnih tendencija u izučavanju ovog fenomena, koje uglavnom dolaze iz skandinavskih zemalja. Problem se analizira kroz prikaz empirijskih i teorijskih pristupa njegovoj deskripciji, objašnjavanju, i pronalaženju konkretnih akcija za njegovo rešavanje. U tom smislu analiziraju se tzv. esencijalni i neesencijalni kriterijumi definisanja maltretiranja na radnom mestu, kao i uticaj karakteristika ličnosti i organizacionih faktora na razvoj negativnih oblika ponašanja u radnom kontekstu. Takođe, pružen je i kraći opis Upitnika o negativnim postupcima (The Negative Acts Questionnaire) koji su sastavili profesori univerziteta u Bergenu i koji je korišćen u preko sto istraživačkih projekata širom Evrope i sveta. U poslednjem delu rada dat je predlog nekih obrazovnih i organizacionih mera za prevenciju ove pojave.sr
dc.description.abstractHarassment at work has been the issue attracting the attention of European scientists since the nineties of the last century. Unfortunately, numerous systematic researches of this phenomenon carried out in those twenty years remain relatively unknown to our professional public, so the study of this topic comes down largely to the case studies from the practices of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and representatives of the labour unions. Given that the above mentioned approach to studying this issue is valuable, but not sufficiently comprehensive for its understanding, this paper is aimed at providing a concise review (survey) of the current trends in the study of this phenomenon mainly coming from the Scandinavian countries. The problem is analysed through the review of the empirical and theoretical approaches to its description, explanation and finding the concrete activities for its resolution. In this sense the so-called essential and non-essential criteria of defining harassment at work have been analysed, as well as the impact of the personality characteristics and organisational factors on the development of negative behavior patterns in the working context. The short description of the Negative Act Questionnaire is also given designed by the University of Bergen professors which has been used in over a hundred research projects all over Europe and the world. At the end of the paper the proposal for certain educational and organisational measures for the prevention of this phenomenon has been given.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceAndragoške studije
dc.subjectobrazovna intervencijasr
dc.subjectmaltretiranje na radnom mestusr
dc.subjectličnost i maltretiranje na radnom mestusr
dc.subjectdestruktivno liderstvosr
dc.subjectpersonality and harassment at worken
dc.subjectharassment at worken
dc.subjectdestructive leadershipen
dc.titleMaltretiranje na radnom mestu - pogled na novu perspektivusr
dc.titleHarrassment at work: A view into the new perspectiveen
dc.citation.other(1): 61-75



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