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Reading literacy as a measure of the quality of education: Estimates based on PISA 2009 data

dc.creatorPavlović-Babić, Dragica
dc.creatorBaucal, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractOdređenje čitalačke pismenosti u PISA studiji, slično kao i u drugim međunarodnim ispitivanjima veštine čitanja, stavlja naglasak na značaj čitanja za aktivnu participaciju u društvu, čime se promoviše sposobnost učenika da kritički razmatra pročitane informacije i koristi ih u različite svrhe. Ispitivanjem se utvrđivalo do koje mere je razvijena čitalačka pismenost petnaestogodišnjaka iz različitih zemalja, da li postoji napredovanje u odnosu na prethodne cikluse testiranja, koliko su razvijene pojedine komponente pismenosti, kao i kakva je raspodela učenika po nivoima čitalačke pismenosti. Uzorak obuhvata mlade čiji je kalendarski uzrast 15 godina, bez obzira na razred u kojem se nalaze u trenutku ispitivanja. Ispitivanje je izvršeno u 190 škola, a ukupno je ispitano 5.523 učenika. Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da je prosečno postignuće učenika iz Srbije u domenu čitalačke pismenosti i dalje ispod proseka u odnosu na postignuće učenika iz OECD zemalja, ali i da su rezultati značajno bolji u odnosu na 2006. godinu. Najveće promene između dva ciklusa testiranja desile su se na nižim nivoima čitalačke pismenosti, što ukazuje na to da je nastava u školama dominantno predavačka i usmerena ka usvajanju akademskih znanja. Ostvareni napredak u prosečnom skoru na skali čitalačke pismenosti može se posmatrati kao rezultat većeg angažovanja i veće motivacije i učenika, i nastavnika, i resornog ministarstva u okviru PISA 2009 studije nego što je to bio slučaj 2006. godine, kao i opštim društvenim kontekstom u kojem su se školovali ispitivani učenici. .sr
dc.description.abstractThe definition of reading literacy in the PISA study, similar to other international studies of reading, emphasizes the importance of reading for active participation in society, thereby promoting the ability of students to critically analyze information and use it for different purposes. The study examined the level of reading literacy in fifteen-year-old students in different countries, whether there was progress compared to previous cycles of testing, the development of the individual literacy components, and the distribution of students by levels of reading literacy. The sample included fifteen-year-old students, regardless of the grade they had attended at the time of testing. The study was conducted in 190 schools, with the total of 5,523 students tested. The data show that the average achievement of students in Serbia in the domain of reading literacy is still below average compared to the achievement of students from OECD countries, but the results were significantly higher when compared to 2006. The most conspicuous change between two cycles of testing occurred at lower achieving levels of reading literacy, which indicates that the dominant way of teaching in schools is through traditional lectures and oriented towards the adoption of academic knowledge. The progress achieved in the average score for reading literacy scale can be seen as a result of greater involvement and greater motivation of students and teachers, the more apparent support of officials in the PISA 2009 study than in 2006 study, as well as a result of substantial changes in general social context in which students were educated. .en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
dc.sourcePsihološka istraživanja
dc.subjectkvalitet obrazovanjasr
dc.subjectčitalačka pismenostsr
dc.subjectreading literacyen
dc.subjectquality of educationen
dc.titleČitalačka pismenost kao mera kvaliteta obrazovanja - procena na osnovu PISA 2009 podatakasr
dc.titleReading literacy as a measure of the quality of education: Estimates based on PISA 2009 dataen
dc.citation.other13(2): 241-260



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