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Attitudes and experience of pre-school teachers about work with children with special needs

dc.creatorStanisavljević-Petrović, Zorica
dc.creatorStančić, Milan
dc.description.abstractU okviru teorijskog dela rada dat je prikaz različitih shvatanja šta su deca sa posebnim potrebama i njihovo vaspitanje i obrazovanje. Brojni autori navode da savremena pedagoška teorija insistira na obuhvatnijem i sistematičnijem uključivanju ove dece u redovne ustanove. Istraživanje koje je sprovedeno imalo je cilj da ispita stavove vaspitača prema uključivanju dece sa posebnim potrebama u redovne grupe vrtića, iskustva u radu sa ovom decom i spremnost vaspitača da se i ubuduće lično angažuju u radu sa decom sa posebnim potrebama. Studije ovog tipa smatraju se relevantnim za proces realizacije inkluzivnog obrazovanja s obzirom na to da negativni stavovi mogu biti faktor neuspeha. Rezultati su pokazali da vaspitači samo deklarativno prihvataju inkluziju kao adekvatnu mogućnost ostvarivanja prava dece sa posebnim potrebama na vaspitanje i obrazovanje, jer ne postoji dovoljna spremnost da se lično angažuju u ostvarivanju ovog procesa. Razlog se, pre svega, nalazi u iskustvu vaspitača u radu sa decom sa posebnim potrebama, koje je vezi sa neadekvatnim uslovima rada u našim ustanovama.sr
dc.description.abstractTheoretical part of the paper gives review on different beliefs of children with special needs and their education. Many authors state that contemporary pedagogical theory of insisting on the whole and systematic participation of these children into the regular institutions. The research which has been done has had the aim to examine attitudes of pre-school teachers towards inclusion of children with special needs into the regular pre-school institutions, experience in work with these children and readiness of pre-school teachers to work with children with special needs. Studies of this type are considered to be relevant for the process of realization of inclusive education, considering the fact that negative attitudes can be a factor of failure in this way. The results have shown that pre-school teachers only declaratively accept inclusion as an adequate possibility of special needs children rights realization concerning pedagogical and educational work. They are not ready enough to personally go through this process. The reason is first of all, experience o pre-school teachers in work with children with special needs connected with inadequate work conditions in our institutions.en
dc.publisherForum pedagoga Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd
dc.subjectpredškolska usta-novasr
dc.subjectinkluzivno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectdeca sa posebnim potrebamasr
dc.subjectpre-school teacheren
dc.subjectpre-school institutionen
dc.subjectinclusive educationen
dc.subjectchildren with special needsen
dc.titleStavovi i iskustva vaspitača o radu sa decom sa posebnim potrebamasr
dc.titleAttitudes and experience of pre-school teachers about work with children with special needsen
dc.citation.other65(3): 451-461



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