Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Fear of crime: Research of students' attitudes

dc.creatorLjubičić, Milana
dc.creatorDragišić-Labaš, Slađana
dc.description.abstractU ovom tekstu smo se bavili ispitivanjem prisustva straha od zločina kod studenata. Prvenstveno smo pažnju obratile na emocionalnu, kognitivnu i ponašajnu dimenziju ove pojave. Budući da se kod nas izuzetno retko istražuje, naša ambicija je bila da utvrdimo raširenost straha od zločina, te eventualne razlike između respondenata s obzirom na: pol i, uslovno nazvane, varijable kohezivnosti. Uzorkom smo obuhvatili 59 ispitanika, studenata II godine sociologije. Nalazi ukazuju da je emocionalna i kognitivna dimenzija straha od zločina izražena samo u slučaju nekih dela: seksualnog napada, napada nožem, provale u kuću kada su u njoj,i/ ili van nje, te u slučaju ubistva. Indikativan je nalaz da je emocionalna dimenzija straha u statistički značajno izraženija kod ispitanica u odnosu na ispitanike, naročito u slučaju seksualnog napada. Takođe, pokazalo se da studentkinje preduzimaju i određene ponašajne prakse (izbegavanje određenih delova grada, u određeno doba) koje proističu iz procene o mogućoj viktimizaciji ovim delom. Na našem uzorku strah od zločina može biti objašnjen nekim varijablama mikro modela, kakvo je iskustvo lične, ili viktimizacije bliskih osoba. Naime, ovakvo iskustvo ide ruku pod ruku sa nižim strahom od zločina. S druge strane, sa percepcijom rizika od zločina povezane su i varijable modela socijalnog nereda i socijalne brige: osećanje kohezivnosti u naselju u kome se živi i poverenje u policiju. Konačno, treba ukazati da neki od nalaza ovog istraživanja, i to prvenstveno oni koji se odnose na povezanost između (ne)bojažljiosti i: pola, iskustva viktimizacije, te percepcije kohezivnosti u zajednici, ne odudaraju od rezultata stranih
dc.description.abstractIn this paper we have researched the students' perception of fear of crime. To begin with, our attention was at emotional, cognitive and behavioral dimension of this manifestation. Since this subject is rarely researched in our country, it was our ambition to establish the extent of fear of crime and potential differences in regard to gender, and what we are conditionally referring to as cohesiveness variables. The subjects were 59 second year sociology students. The findings pointed out that emotional and cognitive dimension of fear of crime is present only in regard to certain crimes: sexual assault, knife stabbing, home burglary regardless if home is empty, and homicide. It is indicative that dimension of emotional fear is higher with female subjects as opposed to their male counterparts, particularly in the case of sexual assault. Also, it has been noted that female subjects adopt certain behavioral patterns (avoiding particular part of town, at specific hours) generated by the possible casualty assessment. On our sample fear of crime can be explained by some micro model variables, like personal or victim experience of someone dear. That is to say that such experience goes hand in hand with lower fear of crime. On the other hand, perception of crime threat is connected to models of social disorder and social care variables, such as: feeling of cohesiveness in the area of living and trusting the police force. Finally, it should be pointed out that some of the findings of this research, primarily those relating between fear(lessness) and: gender, experience as victim and community cohesiveness, do not differ from the results of foreign studies.en
dc.publisherSociološko društvo Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceSociološki pregled
dc.subjectstrah od zločinasr
dc.subjectfear of crimeen
dc.titleStrah od zločina - istraživanje stavova studenatasr
dc.titleFear of crime: Research of students' attitudesen
dc.citation.other44(4): 615-638



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