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Jovan Ristić: the biography of statesman

dc.contributor.advisorRajić, Suzana
dc.contributor.otherLjušić, Radoš
dc.contributor.otherMilanović, Jasmina
dc.creatorRadović, Danijel
dc.description.abstractTema rada je politička biografija Jovana Ristića. Jovan Ristić je rođen 1829. godine u Kragujevcu. Nakon završene gimnazije i Liceja u Beogradu proveo je četiri godine na studijama u inostranstvu (1849‒1854). Po povratku u Srbiju brzo je napredovao u državnoj administraciji. Godine 1861. imenovan je na mesto srpskog diplomatskog predstavnika u Carigradu. Na tom važnom položaju je ostao do 1867. godine. Naredne godine, nakon ubistva kneza Mihaila, izabran je za jednog od namesnika maloletnom knezu Milanu Obrenoviću, te je tu funkciju obavljao do kneževog punoletstva 1872. godine. Položaj predsednika Vlade i ministra inostranih dela zauzimao je 1873, u periodu od 1878‒1880, kao i 1887. godine. Resor inostranih dela zauzimao je i 1875, 1876‒1878 godine. Nakon abdikacije Milana Obrenovića 1889. imenovan je na položaj namesnika kralju Aleksandru Obrenoviću koju je obavljao do državnog udara mladog kralja 1893. godine. Jovan Ristić je umro 4. septembra 1899. godine. Ristić je imao veliku ulogu u dobijanju šest utvrđenih gradova 1867. godine. Bio je jedan od ključnih činilaca u donošenju Ustava od 1869. godine. Njegov najvažniji državnički doprinos predstavlja rad tokom perioda Velike istočne krize, koji je krunisan na Berlinskom kongresu 1878. godine, kojim je Srbija dobila državnu nezavisnost i teritorijalno proširenje. Iza sebe je ostavio i mnobrojna pisana dela, od kojih su najvažnija ona koja obrađuju spoljnu politiku Srbije u periodu od 1848. do 1878. godinesr
dc.description.abstractThe subject matter of the paper is the political biography of Jovan Ristić. Jovan Ristić was born in 1829 in Kragujevac. After having completed high school and Lyceum in Belgrade, he spent four years (1849‒1854) studying abroad. After returning to Serbia, he rapidly advanced in state administration. In 1861, he was appointed as a diplomatic representative of Serbia in Constantinople. He remained in this important position until 1867. The following year, after the assassination of Prince Mihailo, he was elected as one of the regents of the Prince Milan Obrenović, who was a minor at the time, and remained in this position until the Prince reached legal age in 1872. He held the position of Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs in 1873, from 1878 until 1880, as well as in 1887. He held office in the Department of Foreign Affairs 1875, 1876‒1878. After the abdication of Milan Obrenović in 1889, he was appointed as regent to King Aleksandar Obrenović, a position he held until the coup that overthrew the young king in 1893. Jovan Ristić died on September 4, 1899. Ristić played an important part in the gain of six fortified cities in 1867. He was one of the key factors in the adoption of the 1869 Constitution. His most essential contribution to state affairs occurred during the Great Eastern Crisis, culminating at the Congress of Berlin in 1878, when Serbia achieved full independence and gained territories. He left a prolific literary legacy, the most notable of which cover the foreign policy of Serbia from 1848 to 1878en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177014/RS//
dc.subjectNarodno-liberalna strankasr
dc.subjectknez/kralj Milan Obrenovićsr
dc.subjectJovan Ristićsr
dc.subjectIlija Garašaninsr
dc.subjectBerlinski kongressr
dc.subjectPrince/King Milan Obrenović, Ilija Garašaninen
dc.subjectNational-Liberal Partyen
dc.subjectJovan Ristićen
dc.subjectCongress of Berlinen
dc.titleJovan Ristić: biografija državnikasr
dc.titleJovan Ristić: the biography of statesmanen



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