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Phonological complexity and prosodic structure in assessment of Serbian phonological development

dc.creatorSavić, Maja
dc.creatorAnđelković, Darinka
dc.creatorBuđevac, Nevena
dc.creatorVan, der Lely Heather
dc.description.abstractIstaživanje je imalo za cilj određivanje fonoloških parametara relevantnih u razvoju jezičkih sposobnosti prilikom usvajanja fonološkog sistema srpskog jezika. Po ugledu na britanski TOPhS (van der Lely & Harris, 1999), a uz proveru da odgovaraju specifičnostima srpskog jezika, odabrane su karakateristike sloga i mesto naglašavanja kao parametri za koje se moglo pretpostaviti da mogu biti značajni za praćenje usvajanja fonoloških karakteristika srpskog: a. nastup: konsonant ili konsonantski klaster na početku sloga, b. rub: konsonant na kraju sloga, c. broj slogova (dva ili tri), d. mesto naglašavanja: početni naglašen ili početni nenagalašen slog, odnosno srednji naglašen ili srednji nenaglašen slog. Kombinovanjem ovih parametara konstruisana je lista od 96 pseudoreči različitog nivoa složenosti u zavisnosti od broja markiranih parametara. Uzorak je činilo 30 dece podeljenih u tri uzrasna poduzorka (3, 4 i 5 godina) i 14 odraslih ispitanika. Zadatak ispitanika je bio da svaku pseudoreč glasno ponovi, a izgovor je sniman. Transkripcija odgovora i kodiranje tipa greške su omogućili analizu uticaja pojedinih segmentnih i surpasegmentnih parametara na sposobnost fonološke reprodukcije kod dece različitog uzrasta. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se sposobnost reprodukcije ispitivanih fonoloških obeležja razvija u ranijem predškolskom periodu, a da se najteže reprodukuju konsonantski klaster na početku sloga i konsonant na kraju sloga. Ovi parametri se još teže reprodukuju ukoliko je reč trosložna ili ukoliko sadrži 2 ili 3 obeležja istovremeno. Pokazalo se da se mesto naglašavanja reči usvaja čak i pre 3 godine. U zaključku se diskutuje mogućnost korišćenja ispitivanih fonoloških obeležja za praćenje govornog razvoja dece na ranim uzrastima. Teškoće u reprodukovanju fonoloških obeležja bi mogle ukazivati na moguće poteškoće u procesiranju i rekonstrukciji fonoloških, pa posledično i morfoloških i sintaksičkih karakteristika reči i iskaza.sr
dc.description.abstractIn this research we investigate the relevance of phonological parameters in acquisition of Serbian language. Implementation of British Test of Phonological Screeing (TOPhS, van der Lely and Harris, 1999) has revealed that phonological complexity (syllabic and metrical structure) influences accuracy in non-word repetition task and could be used in assessment of phonological development of typically developing children, as well as of children with Grammatical Specific Language Impairment (G-SLI) (van der Lely and Harris, 1999; Gallon, Harris & van der Lely, 2007). Having in mind phonological properties of Serbian language (Zec, 2000, 2007), we hypothesized that several parameters can be used in assessment of phonological development in Serbian: a. onset (consonants cluster at the beginning of syllable; b. rime (consonant at the end of syllable). c. word of three syllables, and d. placement of stressed syllable in a word. Combination of these parameters gave us a list of 96 pseudo words of different levels of complexity. Participants were 14 adults and 30 children from kindergarten divided into three age groups (3, 4 and 5 years). Task for the participants was to loudly repeat every pseudo-word, and their reproduction was recorded. Transcription of their answers and coding of errors allowed us to analyze impact of different parameters on accuracy of phonological reproduction in children of different ages. The results indicate that the ability for reproduction of Serbian phonological properties develops in early preschool period. The most difficult is cluster of consonants at the beginning of syllable, and consonant at the end of syllable. These two parameters are even more difficult for reproduction in three-syllable words or in words that have more then one parameter marked. Placement of stress in a word is acquired even before 3 years. In other words, the results have shown that investigated features could be good indicators in assessment of early phonological development of typically developing children. Delay in their acquisition could reveal possible developmental difficulties.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationEuropean Cooperation in Science and Technology Action A33 “Cross-Linguistically Robust Stages of Children’s Linguistic Performance”
dc.subjectspecifični jezički poremećaj (SLI)sr
dc.subjectrazvoj govorasr
dc.subjectfonološki razvojsr
dc.subjectfonološka obeležjasr
dc.subjectSpecific Language Impairment (SLI)en
dc.subjectprosodic complexityen
dc.subjectphonological developmenten
dc.subjectlanguage assessmenten
dc.subjectlanguage acquisitionen
dc.titleFonološka složenost i mesto slogovnog akcenta kao indikatori fonološkog razvoja u usvajanju srpskog jezikasr
dc.titlePhonological complexity and prosodic structure in assessment of Serbian phonological developmenten
dc.citation.other43(2): 167-185



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