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The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso emotional intelligence test: Psychometric properties of the Serbian version

dc.creatorAltaras Dimitrijević, Ana
dc.creatorJolić Marjanović, Zorana
dc.description.abstractOblast istraživanja emocionalne inteligencije (EI) iznedrila je dve vrste modela i mera, nejednakog naučnog statusa: mešoviti modeli, premda komercijalno uspešni, ne prolaze rigoroznu naučnu analizu; Majer-Salovejev model EI kao sposobnosti, pak, ispunjava većinu kriterijuma za postuliranje naučno smislenog konstrukta EI. Instrument kojim je potonji model operacionalizovan, MSCEIT, u dosadašnjim studijama pokazao je zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost, te konvergentno-diskriminativnu i strukturnu valjanost. U ovom radu provereno je da li srpski prevod MSCEIT-a, primenjen na domaćem uzorku (N=250) i ocenjen po lokalnim normama, demonstrira odgovarajuće metrijske karakteristike. Rezultati pokazuju da pouzdanost skorova odgovara onoj koja je utvrđena prilikom američke standardizacije testa i da je zadovoljavajuća za skorove na nivou polja, te za globalni skor EI (r≥ .86). Korelacije datog skora sa merama akademske inteligencije (r= .244 - .429; p lt .01) i 'velikih pet' (r lt .25) kreću se u pojasu koji je optimalan za potvrdu konvergentno-diskriminativne valjanosti testa. Konačno, faktorska analiza srpskog MSCEIT-a otkriva da su sva tri teorijski postulirana rešenja (sa jednim, dva ili četiri faktora) empirijski održiva, s tim što sastav pojedinih faktora u potonja dva rešenja donekle odstupa od očekivanog. Navedeni nalazi preporučuju srpski MSCEIT za standardizaciju i eventualnu praktičnu primenu, a svakako treba da budu dopunjeni podacima o prediktivnoj valjanosti testa. Povrh toga, dobijeni rezultati imaju i važne teorijske implikacije, sugerišući mogućnost naučnog utemeljenja EI kao sposobnosti rezonovanja sa 'emocionalnim' informacijama.sr
dc.description.abstractThe field of emotional intelligence (EI) research has yielded two rather distinct ways of conceptualizing and measuring the construct, which also differ greatly in terms of their scientific value: mixed models of EI, although commercially successful, prove inadequate when subject to scientific scrutiny; by contrast, the Mayer and Salovey ability model of EI meets most of the proposed criteria for establishing a scientifically meaningful EI construct. Its current operationalization, the MSCEIT, has thus far been found to exhibit good reliability, as well as convergent-dicriminant and structural validity. The present study examined the psychometric properties of the Serbian version of the test in a sample of 250 high school graduates. Our results show that the reliabilities of Serbian MSCEIT scores are equivalent to those reported for the American standardization sample; more specifically, reliability coefficients are high for the two Area scores and the Total score (r≥ .86). The Total EI score shows low to moderate correlations with standard measures of academic intelligence (r=.244 - .429; p lt .01), and very low correlations with the Big Five personality traits (r lt .25) - a pattern that is regarded optimal in establishing convergent-discriminant validity. The factor structure of the Serbian MSCEIT closely corresponds to that of the original test: the theoretically proposed 1-, 2- and 4-factor solutions all prove empirically sustainable; however, in the 2- and 4-factor solutions, the structure of certain EI branches diverges from that which is theoretically expected and incorporated in the scoring system. The obtained data certainly recommend the Serbian MSCEIT for standardization and practical use, in which case they should be supplemented with data regarding the test's predictive validity. On a more basic level, our results suggest the possibility of assessing a scientifically meaningful EI construct, defined as the ability to reason with 'emotional' information.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectmodel EI kao sposobnostisr
dc.subjectmetrijske karakteristikesr
dc.subjectMajer-Salovejev model EIsr
dc.subjectemocionalna inteligencija (EI)sr
dc.subjectpsychometric propertiesen
dc.subjectMayer and Salovey model of EIen
dc.subjectemotional intelligence (EI)en
dc.subjectability model of EIen
dc.titleTest emocionalne inteligencije Majera, Saloveja i Karuza - provera metrijskih karakteristika srpske verzije MSCIET-asr
dc.titleThe Mayer-Salovey-Caruso emotional intelligence test: Psychometric properties of the Serbian versionen
dc.citation.other43(4): 411-425



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