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'Gay agenda': Myth or reality?

dc.creatorAntonić, Slobodan
dc.description.abstract'Gay agenda' je uverenje koje postoji u publicistici hrišćanskih tradicionalista da gej pokret ima skriveni plan postizanja radikalnih ciljeva. On se sastoji u postupnom navikavanju društva na sve problematičnije norme, tako da se šira javnost ne uznemiri i ne pruži ozbiljniji otpor. Kao dokazi za postojanje gej agende, ili čak kao sama gej agenda, najčešće se identifikuju Platforma za gej prava (1972) i knjiga Maršala Kirka i Hantera Medsena Posle bala: kako da u devedesetim Amerika savlada svoj strah i odbojnost prema gejevima (1989). Autor ovog rada ne smatra da se Platforma, knjiga Kirka i Medsena, niti bilo koji drugi spis, mogu uzeti kao 'skriveni plan' jednog difuznog i razgranatog pokreta, kakav je gej pokret u SAD. Svaki pokret je sastavljen od mnoštva organizacija, neformalnih grupa i intelektualnih klubova, koji su koordinisani više spontano i konsensualno, nego iz jednog centra, ili prema jednom planu i programu. Iako pojedini spisi doista mogu da izražavaju 'duh neke epohe' ili da nagoveste ono što će ubrzo postati preovlađujuće mišljenje u nekom pokretu, ti dokumenti ne moraju nužno da budu i idejni vodiči glavnih organizacija ili najmoćnijih aktera tog pokreta. Podudarnost u idejama između više aktera ne znači da postoji 'idejno vođstvo' prvog koji je izneo neku ideju, a podudarnost docnije prakse i te ideje ne znači da je njen prvobitni autor 'ideolog' ili 'inspirator' društvenih aktera koji su primenjivali sličnu praksu. Stoga uverenje da neki pokret ima jedinstveni 'tajni plan' više spada u domen naivne teorije zavere, nego što pripada ozbiljnom promišljanju društvenih fenomena.sr
dc.description.abstract'Gay Agenda' is a belief existing among Christian traditionalists that the gay movement has a hidden agenda for achieving radical goals. This agenda consists of gradually accustoming of society to the problematic norms, without upset the general public and without serious resistance. As evidence for the existence of the gay agenda, or even as a gay agenda itself, the most frequently identified Gay Rights Platform (1972) and book by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (1989). The author of this article is not considered that Platform, the book by Kirk and Madsen, or any other document, can taken as a hidden agenda of a diffuse and branched movements, as the gay movement in the United States like. Each movement is consist of a multitude of organizations, informal groups and intellectual clubs, which are more spontaneous and consensual coordinated, not from one center, or according to one plan. Although certain documents can truly express the 'spirit of an epoch' or predict prevailing opinion in the movement, these documents are not necessarily the main guides of biggest organizations and the most powerful actors in the movement. Correspondence of ideas between the many actors does not mean that there is an 'ideological leadership' of actor which first had has an idea, and practicing of an idea by many actors in a movement does not mean that its original author is 'ideologue' or 'instigator' of all social actors who have applied similar practice. Therefore, the belief that a movement has a unique 'secret plan' falls more into the domain of naive conspiracy theories, than that it belongs to a serious exploration of social phenomena.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu, Niš
dc.subjectteorija zaveresr
dc.subjectnormativni sistemsr
dc.subjectgej pravasr
dc.subjectdruštveni pokretsr
dc.subjectsocial movementen
dc.subjectnormative systemsen
dc.subjectgay rightsen
dc.subjectconspiracy theoriesen
dc.title'Gay agenda' - mit ili stvarnost?sr
dc.title'Gay agenda': Myth or reality?en
dc.citation.other35(3): 891-919



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