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Item analysis in the criteria tests of achievement

dc.creatorPavlović-Babić, Dragica
dc.description.abstractAnaliza ajtema nije prirođena ideji kriterijskog tvstiranja, s obzirom na to da je mera validnosti testa pokrivenost referentnog sadržaja (gradiva), a ne uspešnost ispitanika u rešavanju zadataka. Iskustvo, međutim, pokazuje da i pored najstudioznije pripreme, i u kriterijskom testiranju uvek možemo pronaći subjektivne i nepredvidive elemente i u formulaciji ciljeva, a zatim i u produkciji ajtema. Kakve vrste informacija se mogu dobiti iz ove vrste statističke obrade testa znanja i na koji način se mogu koristiti u doterivanju testa i identifikaciji razloga neuspeha, pokazano je ajtem analizom jednog kriterijskog testa znanja iz matematike. Test je konstruisan u Institutu za psihologiju i namenjen je ispitivanju bazičnih znanja iz matematike na kraju osnovnog školovanjasr
dc.description.abstractThe item analysis is not characteristic of the idea of criteria testing having in mind that the measure of test validity is in how it covers the referent contents (material taught) and not in how the tested students succeed in doing the test. Experience, however, shows, that in spite of the most serious preparations, in the criteria testing too, we can detect subjective or unpredicted elements in the formulation of objectives, and then also in the production of items. What kind of information can be obtained by this kind of statistical analysis of achievement tests and in which way they can be used in improving the test and in the identification of causes of failure is shown in the item analysis of one criteria achievement test in mathematics. The test is composed at the Institute for Psychology and is meant to provide for an insight into the basic knowledge of mathematics at the end of the elementary schooling.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.titleAjtem analiza u kriterijskom testiranju znanja - mogućnosti i ograničenjasr
dc.titleItem analysis in the criteria tests of achievementen
dc.citation.other41(3): 270-282

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