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On the children's understanding of 'madness' and a 'mad person'

dc.creatorPetrović, Danijela
dc.creatorĐokić, Irena
dc.creatorĐorđević, Lidija
dc.description.abstractKonceptu psihičkog poremećaja u ovom radu se pristupa iz kognitivno-razvojne perspektive, a popularni termini 'ludilo' i 'luda osoba' upotrebljeni su kao specifični sadržaji preko kojih su ispitivane karakteristike razvoja dečijeg mišljenja. Korišćen je polustruktuirani intervju kao verbalna i crtež ljudske figure kao neverbalna tehnika. Ispitano je šezdesetoro beogradske dece, oba pola, pri čemu su obuhvaćena tri uzrasta: predškolski (5;6 - 6;6), mlađi školski (9;6 - 10;6) i stariji školski uzrast (14;6 -15;6). Utvrđeno je da su razlike u shvatanju 'ludila' i 'lude osobe' između ispitanika predškolskog i mlade školskog uzrasta uglavnom kvantitativne prirode, a da se kvalitativne razlike javljaju jedino kada su u pitanju najstariji ispitanici. Na predškolskom i mlađem školskom uzrastu dominantno je shvatanje 'lude osobe' kao devijantne osobe, s tim što se na mlađem školskom uzrastu javlja više stereotipa. Na starijem školskom uzrastu preovlađuje shvatanje o 'ludoj osobi' kao bolesnoj osobi. Kod mlade dece ne postoji razgraničenje sadržaja između pojmova 'ludilo' i 'luda osobu'. Predškolska i mlađa školska deca definišu 'ludilo' navodeći karakterislike 'lude osobe'. Jedino najstariji ispitanici razlikuju ova dva pojma i 'ludilo' definišu kao bolest.sr
dc.description.abstractThe concept of mental disorder has been tackled in this paper under the cognitive and development perspective, whereas the popular terms 'madness' and 'mad person' have been used as ground-work on which the specificities in the development of the child's reasoning have been examined. A half-structured interview has been used as verbal technique and the drawing of the human figure as a non-verbal technique. The inquiry includes sixty children from Belgrade of both sex, divided into three age groups: children of pre-school age (5;6-6;6), younger children of school age (9;6-10;6) and older children of school age (14;6-15;6). Differences in the understanding of 'madness' and 'a mad person' by respondents of pre-school age and younger respondents of school age have been found to be quantitative in nature for the most part, whereas qualitative differences have been found only in older respondents. Respondents of pre-school age and younger children of school age have been found to view a 'mad person' mainly as a deviant, where by several stereotypes have been noticed in younger children o school age. As distinct from them, older children have been found to view a 'mad person' as sick. Younger children do not differentiate between the concepts of 'madness' and a 'mad person'. Children of pre-school age and younger children of school age have defined 'maddens' by naming the distinguished features of a 'mad person'. These two concepts have been seen as different only by the oldest respondents, by whom 'madness' has been defined as an illness.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.titleDečje shvatanje 'ludila' i 'lude osobe'sr
dc.titleOn the children's understanding of 'madness' and a 'mad person'en
dc.citation.other25(3-4): 110-128



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