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Physical self-concept of normal-weight and overweight adolescents: Gender specificities

dc.creatorLazarević, Dušanka
dc.creatorRadisavljević-Janić, Snežana
dc.creatorMilanović, Ivana
dc.creatorLazarević, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractPrethodna istraživanja su dala podatke o odnosu fizičkog self-koncepta i telesne mase kod mladih, ali taj odnos nije bio jasno specifikovan u pogledu pola. Cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da se utvrde karakteristike fizičkog self-koncepta adolescenata normalne i prekomerne telesne težine, kao i polne razlike u pogledu odlika njihovog fizičkog self-koncetpa. Uzorak se sastojao od 417 učenika osnovne škole (229 dečaka i 188 devojčica) prosečnog uzrasta 13 godina i 6 meseci (SD=0.73). Na osnovu indeksa telesne mase (BMI) uzorak je podeljen na grupu adolescenata normalne i grupu adolescenata prekomerne telesne težine. Za procenu fizičkog self-koncepta primenjen je Upitnik fizičkog self-koncepta (PSDQ). Rezultati su pokazali da adolescenti prekomerne težine imaju značajno niže skorove na svim skalama upitnika PSDQ osim na skalama Zdravlje i Snaga, kao i da su razlike veće u subuzorku devojčica. Diskriminativnom analizom dobijeno je da se dečaci normalne telesne težine najviše razlikuju, od ostalih ispitanika, na supskalama Telesna debljina, Izdržljivost i Sportska kompetentnost. Takođe, diksriminativnom analizom je dobijeno da se, pored skale Telesna debljina, devojčice normalne telesne težine najviše razlikuju od ostalih ispitanika i na skalama Fleksibilnost, Samocenjenje i Koordinacija. Rezultati ukazuju da je za bolje razumevanje odnosa fizičkog self-koncepta adolescenata i telesne mase važno uzeti u obzir i pol adolescenata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su potencijalno korisni za prevenciju problema prekomerne telesne težine učenika kroz nastavu fizičkog vaspitanja.sr
dc.description.abstractPrevious researchers have described the relation between physical self-concept and body mass in adolescents, but those relationships have not been clearly specified by gender. The purpose of this study is to explore physical self-concepts of normal-weight and over-weight Serbian adolescents with respect to gender. The sample consisted of 417 primary school students (229 boys and 188 girls) with the average age 13.6 (SD=0.73) years who were divided into normal-weight and overweight groups according to body mass index. To assess the multidimensional physical self-concept, Physical Self-Description Questionnaire (PSDQ) was administered. Results showed that overweight adolescents had significantly lower scores than normal-weight on all PSDQ scales except Health and Strength. Differences were greater among girls than boys. Discriminant analysis showed that the scales Body Fat, Endurance and Sports Competence best differentiated normal-weight boys from other students. Also, discriminant analysis showed that, besides the scale Body Fat, scales Flexibility, Self-Esteem, and Coordination best differentiated normal-weight girls from other students. Results indicate that for better understanding of the relationship between adolescent's physical self-concept and body mass one must take gender into account. Results are potentially valuable for preventing overweight through physical education.en
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47008/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectzdrav stil životasr
dc.subjectprekomerna telesna težinasr
dc.subjectfizičko vaspitanjesr
dc.subjectfizički self-konceptsr
dc.subjectphysical self-concepten
dc.subjectphysical educationen
dc.subjecthealthy lifestyleen
dc.titleFizički self-koncept adolescenata normalne i prekomerne telesne težine - polne specifičnostisr
dc.titlePhysical self-concept of normal-weight and overweight adolescents: Gender specificitiesen
dc.citation.other43(2): 347-365



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