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Women and prison: General considerations and a case study

dc.creatorIgnjatović, Đorđe
dc.creatorLjubičić, Milana
dc.description.abstractRad se bavi položajem žena u kaznenim ustanovama. U njegovom prvom delu ukazano je na podatke koji govore o porastu broja žena lišenih slobode u poslednjim decenijama i rezultatima istraživanja o posledicama takve kaznene politike. U drugom delu izložena su saznanja do kojih su autori došli zahvaljujući prilici da komuniciraju sa bivšom osuđenicom koja je kaznu izdržavala u Kazneno-popravnom zavodu za žene u Požarevcu. Sa njom su, posle dokumentacione analize podataka o njenoj krivičnoj stvari, obavili seriju razgovora, kojima joj je pružena mogućnost da kroz polustrukturisani intervju vođen 'licem u lice' iznese svoje traumatsko iskustvo boravka u kaznenoj ustanovi. Ono je brižljivo i autentično zabeleženo i kasnije podvrgnuto analizi sadržaja, kako bi se utvrdile sve svesne i nesvesne poruke osobe B. Iako su se autori trudili da ne naprave grešku i iz pojedinačnog iskustva jedne (doduše netipične) osuđenice izvedu opšte zaključke o kaznenom sistemu u kome se tako često i olako poseže za kaznom zatvora, čini se da, uzimajući u obzir i saznanja do kojih su došli istraživači u drugim delovima sveta, sve ukazuje da je taj sistem teško može ostvariti ciljeve koje mu društvo postavlja. Očito je da on umesto omogućavanja resocijalizacije osuđenih lica, ovima nameće pasivno potčinjavanje, razvijajući kod njih dvoličnost, paranoidne stavove i specifičnu mortifikaciju identiteta. Stoga i ne treba da začudi visoka stopa penitencijarnog povrata sa kojim se moderne države suočavaju.sr
dc.description.abstractThis paper offers an analysis of the position of women in penitentiary institutions. The authors firstly explicate data on the increase in number of incarcerated women in Serbia in the last decades, and clarify the results of the research related to the effects of such penal policy. The second part of the paper contains information obtained on the account of the opportunity to communicate with a female ex-inmate of the Penal Correctional Institution in Požarevac, Serbia. After a thorough documentary analysis of her case records, a series of semi-structured interviews with the former inmate were performed 'face to face', allowing her to put across a traumatic experience of her stay in the penal facility. This account was carefully and accurately noted down and later subjected to content analysis, in order to determine both cognizant and subliminal messages of the interviewee. The authors made an effort to avoid the mistake of generalization, and tried not to make wide-ranging conclusions regarding the existing penal system based on the experiences of one (though atypical) incarcerated person. However, and taking into account the conclusions of other researchers arrived at in other parts of the world, it may be inferred that a penal system which easily resorts to imprisonment as a form of punishment, hardly can achieve the goals put before it by the society. It is obvious that, instead of their re-socialization, a tough penal system imposes passive submission on the convicted individuals, and pushes them toward hypocrisy, paranoid attitudes and mortification of identity. For this reason, one should not be puzzled by the high rates of penitentiary recidivism in contemporary societies.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceAnali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu
dc.subjectzavodska lišavanjasr
dc.subjectstudija slučajasr
dc.subjectkaznene ustanovesr
dc.subjectprison deprivationsen
dc.subjectpenal institutionsen
dc.subjectcase studyen
dc.titleŽene i zatvor - opšta pitanja i studija slučajasr
dc.titleWomen and prison: General considerations and a case studyen
dc.citation.other59(1): 55-79



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