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The role of irrational beliefs and personality in cognitive reactivity to sad mood

dc.creatorPeruničić, Ivana
dc.creatorVukosavljević-Gvozden, Tatjana
dc.creatorMarić, Zorica
dc.description.abstractJedan od najznačajnijih savremenih konstrukata u objašnjenju nastanka i odražavanja depresije je kognitivna reaktivnost na tužno/disforično raspoloženje koji se može definisati kao sklonost osobe da na tugu ili disforiju reaguju produkcijom negativnih misli, karakterističnih za depresiju. O formiranju ovakve reaktivnost još uvek se malo zna osim što se ovakva sklonost povezuje sa prethodnim depresivnim epizodama. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje uloge i odnosa iracionalnih uverenja i bazičnih dimenzija ličnosti u objašnjenju kognitivne reaktivnosti na tužno/disforično raspoloženje. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 207 studenata i učenika srednjih škola, uzrasta: AS=22.05, SD=6.93. Faktorskom analizom Leiden indeksa kognitivne reaktivnosti na tužno raspoloženje izolovali smo 3 faktora: 1. Negativna procena, 2. Izbegavanje rešavanja problema, 3. Pokušaj prevazilaženja. Rezultati pokazuju da kognitivna reaktivnost na tužno raspoloženje može da se posmatra kao opšta tendencija da se bude pojačano senzitivan na negativne emocije. Korelacije između kognitivne reaktivnosti na tužno raspoloženje i depresivnosti i anksioznosti su veoma slične i značajne. Za razumevanje pojedinačnih faktora kognitivne reaktivnosti visoki skorovi na Neuroticizmu i Otvorenosti pokazali su se kao najvažnije varijable dimenzija ličnosti, a Samoobezvređivanje, Zahtev za lagodnošću i Obezvređivanje drugih pokazali su se kao najvažnije od varijable iracionalnih uverenja. Pokazalo se da iracionalna uverenja imaju značajan i nezavistan doprinos u objašnjenju kognitivne rekativnosti na tužno raspoloženje u odnosu na ličnost merenu petofaktorskim modelom.sr
dc.description.abstractOne of the most important contemporary constructs in the explanation of the appearance and sustainment of depression is cognitive reactivity to sadness/dysphoria, which can be defined as one's inclination to produce negative thoughts that are characteristic of depression when reacting to such moods. Little has yet to be known about the formation of this reactivity outside of the fact that this manner of inclination is tied to previous episodes of depression. The aim of this study is the confirmation of the role and relationship of irrational conviction and fundamental dimensions of personality in the explanation of cognitive reactivity to sadness/dysphoria. This study has been undertaken on an appropriate sample of 207 high school and college students, aged: AS=22.05 SD=6.93. Through factor analysis of the Leiden index of cognitive reactivity to sad moods, three factors were isolated: 1: a negative assessment; 2. the avoidance of solving problems; and 3. the attempt of coping. The results demonstrate that cognitive reactivity to sad moods can be considered to be a general tendency to be overly sensitive to negative emotions. Correlations between cognitive reactivity to sad moods and symptoms of depression and anxiety are quite similar and all significant. To understand particular factors of cognitive reactivity, the high scores on neuroticism and openness have been shown to be the most important factors of personality and self-demeaning beliefs, need for comfort, and other demeaning beliefs have been shown as the most important variables of irrational beliefs. It has been therein demonstrated that irrational beliefs have a significant and independent part in the explanation of cognitive reactivity to sad moods in comparison to personality as measured by the five factor model of personality.en
dc.publisherInstitut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd
dc.sourcePsihijatrija danas
dc.subjectkognitivna reaktivnost na tužno raspoloženjesr
dc.subjectiracionalna uverenjasr
dc.subjectdimenzije ličnostisr
dc.subjectirrational beliefsen
dc.subjectdimensions of personalityen
dc.subjectcognitive reactivity to sad moodsen
dc.titleUloga iracionalnih uverenja i ličnosti u kognitivnoj reaktivnosti na tužno raspoloženjesr
dc.titleThe role of irrational beliefs and personality in cognitive reactivity to sad mooden
dc.citation.other44(1): 35-46



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