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Pre-school teacher perspective on professional development from the viewpoint of systemic professional development concept

dc.creatorPavlović-Breneselović, Dragana
dc.creatorKrnjaja, Živka
dc.description.abstractPraksa profesionalnog usavršavanja vaspitača istražena je kroz perspektivu vaspitača. Upitnikom su dobijeni podaci o tome šta vaspitači prepoznaju kao oblike usavršavanja, u koje oblike su uključeni i kako procenjuju doprinos pojedinih oblika promeni i razvoju prakse. Dobijeni podaci ukazuju da se postojeći model profesionalnog usavršavanja svodi na obuke vaspitača kroz stručne seminare i na kontroverze u perspektivi vaspitača: izjednačavanje profesionalnog usavršavanja sa seminarima obuke, pitanje delotvornosti seminara i nepodudarnosti između procene važnosti i potrebe kreditiranja pojedinih oblika. Podaci su analizirani iz perspektive sistemske koncepcije profesionalnog razvoja elaborirane kroz metaforu razboja kojom su definisana polazišta, okvir i oblici profesionalnog usavršavanja. Sistemski definisan okvir osnov je za umrežavanje profesionalnog razvoja kroz interaktivni sistem različitih oblika (grupisanih u individualne oblike, zajedničke oblike u praksi delovanja i oblike organizovane van prakse) i povezivanje različitih uč
dc.description.abstractThe practice of professional development of pre-school teachers is addressed through the perspective of a pre-school teacher. Through questionnaire, the following data were obtained: what do teachers recognize as forms of professional development, which form they attended and how they estimate the contribution of specific forms to change and development of practice. The data show that the existing model of professional research is focused on trainings of teachers through professional seminars and controversies in teachers’ perspective: the view of professional development equal to seminars and trainings, the question of seminars’ effects, and no correlation between the estimate of importance and the need to accredit certain forms. The data were analyzed from the perspective of systemic professional development concept, elaborated through the metaphor that defines the base, framework and forms of professional development. Systemically defined framework is the base for networking in professional development through interactive system of different forms (grouped in individual forms, common forms in implementation practice and forms organized outside of practice) and connection between various participants.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceAndragoške studije
dc.subjectsistemska koncepcija profesionalnog razvojasr
dc.subjectperspektiva vaspitačasr
dc.subjectoblici profesionalnog usavršavanjasr
dc.subjectteacher's perspectiveen
dc.subjectsystemic professional development concepten
dc.subjectforms of professional developmenten
dc.titlePerspektiva vaspitača o profesionalnom usavršavanju sa stanovišta sistemske koncepcije profesionalnog razvojasr
dc.titlePre-school teacher perspective on professional development from the viewpoint of systemic professional development concepten
dc.citation.other(1): 145-161

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