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The goals and expectations as the predictors of personal attitude towards the two rival political parties

dc.creatorPetrović, Nebojša
dc.creatorKuzmanović, Bora
dc.description.abstractZa razliku od politikologa, koji se prvenstveno interesuju za ishod, psiholozi pokušavaju da prvenstveno razumeju proces, kako pojedinci dolaze do opredeljivanja za određenu opciju. I jednima i drugima važni su prediktori, faktori koji doprinose odnosu prema političkim partijama. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi koliko ciljevi i očekivanja mogu biti prediktori stava i namere da se glasa za dve vodeće političke stranke u Srbiji u ovom trenutku. Osnovni zadatak je bio da se utvrdi koji od 18 ličnih i 18 društvenih ciljeva, odnosno koja njihova kombinacija, najbolje određuje stavove prema ove dve stranke, odnosno nameru za glasanje za jednu od njih. Drugi deo analize se odnosi na to kako umesto samih ciljeva, očekivanja da stranke ostvare svaki od njih determiniše iste te elemente političke participacije. Uzorak je činio 481 student, sa šest fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Rezultati pokazuju da je cilj 'ulazak u EU' najbolji prediktor - bilo da se radi o stavovima, glasanju, ili pak davanju prednosti jednoj ili drugoj stranci u situaciji prisilnog izbora. Međutim, pokazuje se da postoje brojni suptilni mehanizmi na osnovu kojih određeni drugi ciljevi izbijaju u prvi plan u evaluaciji stranke, ali nisu nužno i glavni prediktori u odluci za glasanje. Značajno je i da očekivanja da će stranke uspešno ostvariti neki cilj, po pravilu bolji prediktori nego značaj koji ljudi pridaju tim ciljevima.sr
dc.description.abstractWhile political scientists are primarily interested in the outcome, psychologists more often put stress on understanding of the process, how individuals come to opting for a particular option. Predictors, i.e. factors that contribute to the relationship with political parties are important for both of them. The main objective of this study is to determine how the goals and expectations may be predictors of attitudes and intentions to vote for the two main political parties in Serbia. The main task was to determine which of the 18 personal and 18 social goals, or combination of them, is the best predictor of attitudes toward the two parties, or of intention to vote for one of them. In the second part of the analysis, instead of goals, expectations of the parties to achieve each of the goals has been predictors of the same elements of political participation. The sample consisted of 481 students, from six faculties of Belgrade University. The results show that the goal 'entering the EU' is the best predictor - either of the attitudes, voting intentions, or preference for the first or the second party in a situation of forced choice. However, it has also been shown that there are many subtle mechanisms, by which certain other goals come to the fore in the evaluation of the party, but not necessarily in the decision to vote. Expectations that the parties will successfully accomplish goals, are better predictors than the importance of the goals themselves.en
dc.publisherInstitut za političke studije, Beograd
dc.sourceSrpska politička misao
dc.subjectSrpska napredna strankasr
dc.subjectDemokratska strankasr
dc.subjectSerbian progressive partyen
dc.subjectDemocratic partyen
dc.titleCiljevi i očekivanja kao prediktori subjektivnog odnosa prema dvema suparničkim političkim strankamasr
dc.titleThe goals and expectations as the predictors of personal attitude towards the two rival political partiesen
dc.citation.other(1): 65-87



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