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Types of conflict, types of relationships and preferred conflict resolution strategies: Implications for constructive conflict resolution programmes

dc.creatorPetrović, Danijela
dc.creatorVučetić, Milica
dc.description.abstractProgrami za konstruktivno rešavanje sukoba zasnovani su na ideji da deca i mladi nedovoljno poznaju procedure i veštine rešavanja sukoba i da zbog toga konflikti u kojima oni učestvuju brzo krenu destruktivnim tokom. I pored neospornog praktičnog značaja koji programi za konstruktivno rešavanje sukoba imaju, može se uputiti zamerka da nisu, u dovoljnoj meri, zasnovani na empirijskim podacima o karakteristikama konflikata u detinjstvu i adolescenciji. Zbog toga su u ovom radu ispitivane različite vrste konflikata sa vršnjacima i prijateljima sa ciljem da se utvrde preferirane strategije rešavanja sukoba i da se na osnovu dobijenih rezultata razmotre implikacije za poboljšanje programa za konstruktivno rešavanje sukoba. Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 286 adolescenata. Za ispitivanje preferiranih strategija rešavanja sukoba korišćena je metoda hipotetičkih konfliktnih situacija. Ključni rezultati, koje treba uzeti u obzir prilikom koncipiranja programa za konstruktivno rešavanje sukoba, pokazuju da preferencija strategije rešavanja sukoba varira u odnosu na vrstu konflikta (u konfliktima nastalim zbog razlika u mišljenju i nepoštovanja dogovora u većoj meri se primenjuje rešavanje problema, za razliku od sukoba nastalih zbog provokacija, tvrdoglavosti i neiskrenosti) i tip odnosa (u sukobima sa prijateljima adolescenti više preferiraju rešavanje problema, a u vršnjačkim sukobima se češće odlučuju za nadmetanje).sr
dc.description.abstractConstructive conflict resolution programmes are based on the idea that children and youth do no have sufficient knowledge of the procedures and skills for conflict resolution, which is why the conflicts they take part in soon become destructive. Notwithstanding the indubitable practical significance of the constructive conflict resolution programmes, it can be objected that they are not sufficiently based on empirical findings about the characteristics of conflicts in childhood and adolescence. Hence, this paper explores different types of conflict with peers and friends with the aim of determining the preferred conflict resolution strategies and using the obtained results to consider the implications for the improvement of constructive conflict resolution programmes. The research was conducted on the sample of 286 adolescents. The method of hypothetical conflict situations was used for studying the preferred conflict resolution strategies. The key results, which should be taken into account when developing constructive conflict resolution programmes, indicate that the preference for a conflict resolution strategy varies depending on conflict type (problem solving is mostly used in conflicts occurring due to opinion differences and disrespect of agreement, unlike the conflicts arising due to provocations, stubbornness and dishonesty) and relationship types (in conflicts with friends, adolescents prefer problem solving, while in peer conflicts they more frequently opt for competition).en
dc.publisherInstitut za pedagoška istraživanja, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja
dc.subjectvrsta konfliktasr
dc.subjectvršnjački i prijateljski odnosisr
dc.subjectstrategije rešavanja konflikatasr
dc.subjectprogrami za konstruktivno rešavanje sukobasr
dc.subjecthipotetičke konfliktne situacijesr
dc.subjectpeer and friendly relationshipsen
dc.subjecthypothetical conflict situationsen
dc.subjectconstructive conflict resolution programmesen
dc.subjectconflict typeen
dc.subjectconflict resolution strategiesen
dc.titleVrsta konflikta, tip odnosa i preferirane strategije rešavanja sukoba - implikacije za programe konstruktivnog rešavanja sukobasr
dc.titleTypes of conflict, types of relationships and preferred conflict resolution strategies: Implications for constructive conflict resolution programmesen
dc.citation.other44(1): 163-178

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