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Civil service examination and professional role of the teacher: Historical perspective

dc.creatorIlić-Rajković, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog proučavanja jesu promene u percepciji države u odnosu na profesionalnu ulogu učitelja od 1898. godine, kada je u Srbiji prvi put definisano pripravništvo kao faza profesionalnog obrazovanja učitelja, do početka Drugog svetskog rata. Država kao poslodavac procenjivala je spremnost pripravnika za stalni radni odnos na osnovu rezultata ostvarenih na državnom stručnom ispitu. Cilj ovog proučavanja je sagledavanje profesionalnih uloga učitelja koje je država promovisala kroz koncepciju tog ispita. Na osnovu analize normativne osnove prema kojoj je koncipiran ispit, konstatovano je da su promene u percepciji uloge učitelja bivale uslovljene karakterom državne politike i da su se kretale od poimanja učitelja kao realizatora nastavnog programa u doba režima kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića, preko istraživača sopstvene prakse u doba parlamentarne demokratije, do shvatanja učitelja kao prenosioca državne ideologije u doba započeto šestojanuarskom diktaturom. Konstatovano je takođe da su ishodi inicijalnog obrazovanja učitelja uglavnom bili u neravnoteži sa profesionalnom ulogom učitelja koju je očekivala država kao poslodavac.sr
dc.description.abstractThe object of this study were the changes in the perception of the State related to the professional role of the teacher from 1898 when internship was, for the first time, defined as a phase in professional teacher education to the beginning of the Second World War. The State, as the employer, assessed the readiness of a trainee for full employment according to their results at the civil service examination. The aim of the study was to screen the professional roles of the teacher which the State promoted through the concept of the examination. By analyzing the normative base on which the examination was designed we concluded that the changes in the perception of the teacher's roles were dependent upon the character of the state policy and ranged from the view of the teacher as the implementer of the curriculum during the reign of the king Aleksandar Obrenović, then the researcher of their own practice in the period of the parliamentary democracy, and finally the transmitter of the state ideology in the period of the so-called Sixth-of-January Dictatorship. It was also found out that the outcomes of the initial teacher education were not in balance with the professional role of the teacher that the State expected as the employer.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectprofesionalna ulogasr
dc.subjectpraktičan učiteljski ispitsr
dc.subjectdržavni stručni ispitsr
dc.subjectteacher's practical examen
dc.subjectprofessional roleen
dc.subjectcivil service examinationen
dc.titleDržavni stručni ispit i profesionalna uloga učiteljasr
dc.titleCivil service examination and professional role of the teacher: Historical perspectiveen
dc.citation.other62(4): 744-756



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