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Transition économique et usage de la tradition: Les contextes illusoires du principe de la réciprocité dans les rites de passage en Serbie rurale

dc.creatorNaumović, Slobodan
dc.description.abstractU radu, koji je deo veće celine, nudi se pokušaj tumačenja novih oblika ponašanja, prvenstveno složenog odnosa između različitih vrsta darivanja i potrošnje u savremenim svadbenim obredima. Ti oblici ponašanja, koji teže da nalikuju tradicijskim obrascima ali su od njih daleko, predstavljaju simboličke odgovore seljaka na ekonomske pritiske spoljašnje okoline. Pojam upotrebe tradicije ponuđen je kao okvir uz pomoć koga je moguće povezati ukupnost društveno-ekonomskih uslova sa svesnim oblicima ponašanja pojedinaca ili grupa u seoskoj sredini. Poigravanje mnogostrukošću značenja oblika ponašanja koji nalikuju na tradicijske obrasce, u prvom redu načela uzajamnosti prilikom razmene različitih vrsta darova i svadbenih gozbi, čini mogućim da se interesi koje nije uputno otvoreno zastupati preobraze u postupke koji su prihvatljivi svima. Burdijeovskim rečnikom rečeno, svesno pribegavanje tradicionalnim oblicima ponašanja omogućava 'eufemizaciju' kako njihovog izvornog smisla, tako i stvarnih razloga njihovog korišćenja, i čini prvi korak u postupku upotrebe tradicije. Drugi korak je povezan sa mogućnošću izbora između oblika ponašanja koji pripadaju različitim porecima (tokova reciprociteta s jedne strane i vidljive, prestižne potrošnje s druge) i poigravanja društvenim posledicama takvog izbora. Mogućnost upotrebe elemenata tradicijskog kulturnog obrasca svadbe u cilju osvajanja ili održavanja sopstvenog društvenog statusa postojala je i ranije, prvenstveno zahvaljujući višeznačnosti same prakse darivanja, odnosno mogućnosti davanja većeg dara od očekivanog uzdarja. Jedino je činjenica da je danas moguće uvećati svoj društveni položaj potrošnjom koja potpuno mimoilazi kanale uzajamnosti ono što suštinski razlikuje savremeni od tradicijskog modela svadbenog ponašanja. Naime, dok je u nekadašnjem obrascu ponašanja bilo moguće svoj status uvećati samo u onoj meri u kojoj su darivani drugi pripadnici zajednice, odnosno u onoj meri u kojoj su drugi imali neke koristi od 'napadnog' darivanja, danas je društveni položaj nužno graditi na statusnoj potrošnji koja u potpunosti zaobilazi kanale uzajamnosti (kao što je trošenje na naručivanje pesama, orkestre, šatre, limuzine i sl.). U takvom poretku, praksa upotrebe tradicije, dakle javno naglašavanje darivanja i ostalih oblika razmene na osnovi uzajamnosti, služi prvenstveno (ali ne i jedino) da bi se smanjila napadnost novih oblika ponašanja, na prvom mestu 'čiste statusne potrošnje', i učinile prihvatljivim njihove društvene
dc.description.abstractThe paper, which is part of a larger whole, offers an attempt to interpret new forms of behavior, especially the complex interplay between different forms of gift giving and consumption in contemporary marital rites. These forms of behavior, which tend to mimic traditional patterns, but are far from them, represent the symbolic responses of peasants to the economic pressures of the outside environment. The concept of the use of tradition is offered as a framework through which it is possible to link the entirety of socio-economic conditions with deliberate actions by individuals or groups in a rural environment. Playing with the multiple meanings which can be ascribed to the forms of behavior that mimic traditional patterns, especially the reciprocity of different forms of exchange of gifts and wedding feasts, enables the transformation of interests which it isn't advisable to endorse into actions which are acceptable to everyone. To use Bourdieu's terms, consciously resorting to traditional forms of behavior enables the 'euphemization' of their original meaning and the real reasons behind their use, and constitutes the first step in the use of tradition. The second step in this process is linked to choice between different behavioral patterns (the flows of reciprocity on the one hand, and conspicuous, prestigious consumption on the other) and playing with the social consequences of such choices. The possibility of using elements of the traditional cultural pattern of the wedding in order to maintain or elevate one's social status was present before, especially due to the multifaceted practice of gift giving, or rather, the possibility of giving a gift which is larger than the expected return gift. The only difference between the traditional and the contemporary model of wedding practices is that today it's possible to elevate one's status through consumption which completely sidesteps the established channels of reciprocity and mutuality. Namely, while the former patterns of behavior made it possible to elevate one's status only to the extent to which other members of the community received gifts, or the extent to which other members of the community profited from 'excessive' gift giving, today it is necessary to build one's social standing through consumption which completely sidesteps the channels of mutuality (like spending money on ordering songs, on orchestras, large tents, limos etc.) In a system like that, the practice of utilizing tradition, the public focus on gift giving and other forms of mutual exchange, serves primarily (but not only) to diminish the intrusiveness of new forms of behavior, especially 'pure status consumption', and to make their social consequences more acceptable.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177018/RS//
dc.sourceEtnoantropološki problemi
dc.subjecturavnotežena i negativna uzajamnostsr
dc.subjectupotreba tradicijesr
dc.subjectsvadbeni obredsr
dc.subjectsimboličko nasiljesr
dc.subjectobredi prelazasr
dc.subjectutilizing traditionen
dc.subjectthe wedding ritualen
dc.subjectsymmetrical and negative reciprocityen
dc.subjectsymbolic violenceen
dc.subjectrites of passageen
dc.titlePrivredni preobražaj i upotreba tradicije - ostvarivanje prikrivene dobiti uz pomoć načela uzajamnosti u obredima prelaza na selima Srbijesr
dc.titleTransition économique et usage de la tradition: Les contextes illusoires du principe de la réciprocité dans les rites de passage en Serbie ruralefr
dc.titleEconomic transformation and the utilization of tradition: Achieving covert benefits through the use of reciprocity in rites of passage in Serbian villagesen
dc.citation.other8(2): 343-383



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