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Positioning the experience of motherhood within the social network of family relationships

dc.creatorJarić, Isidora
dc.description.abstractIskustvo materinstva je u simboličkom smislu jedno od najznačajnijih ženskih iskustava, tesno povezano sa konstruktima naglašenog feminiteta (Connell, 1987). To je socijalno iskustvo koje u sebi sadrži unutrašnju ambivalenciju. S jedne strane ono predstavlja jedno od najličnijih i najintimnijih iskustava putem koga žene otkrivaju nove granice odnosa sa samima sobom i vlastitom telesnošću, dok sa druge strane ono predstavlja socijalni konstrukt kroz koji se prelamaju različiti odnosi moći unutar društva i kulture čiji smo deo preoblikujući njihove odnose sa drugima. Ovaj rad nastoji da rekonstruiše na koji način unutar svojih narativa žene različite starosti, obrazovanja i socijalnog porekla konceptualizuju sopstvena socijalna iskustva vezana za materinstvo, strategije prilagođavanja i eventualne promene vezane za sopstvenu poziciju unutar socijalne mreže porodičnih i društvenih odnosa. Na osnovu empirijskog materijala prikupljenog u okviru projekta Politike roditeljstva Instituta za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, rad rekonstruiše dva osnova tipa strategija prilagođavanja kojima žene pribegavaju kako bi unutar sopstvenog konstrukta materinstva i sa njim povezane identitetske pozicije uspostavile neku vrstu balansa u odnosu prema osujećujućim i obespravljujućim (širim i užim) referentnim društvenim kontekstima. To su: (a) strategija konformiranja ili mimikrije, koja se realizuje na dva moguća načina kroz: potpuno prihvatanje ideoloških i vrednosnih pozicija koje dominiraju unutar referentne porodične mreže, i praktikovanje prakse žrtvenog mikro-matrijarhata (Blagojević, 1997); i (b) strategija aktivnog suprotstavljanja, koja se takođe realizuje na dva različita načina kroz: indirektno konfrontiranje (strategija distanciranja), i/ili direktno konfrontiranje.sr
dc.description.abstractThe experience of motherhood is, in a symbolic sense, one of the most important women's experiences closely associated with constructs emphasized femininity (Connell, 1987). It is a social experience that incorporates internal ambivalence. On the one hand it is one of the most intimate experiences through which women discover new frontiers of the relations with themselves and their own bodies. On the other hand it is a social construct through which different power relations that exist within the society and culture they belong to refract, and reshape their relations with others. This paper attempts to reconstruct how women of different ages, education and social background in their narratives conceptualize their own social experiences related to motherhood, strategies of adjustments and changes that these experiences produce related to their position within the social network of family relationships. On the basis of the collected empirical data within project Politics of Parenthood of Institute for Sociological Research (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade) the paper reconstructs two basic types of adjustment strategies which women use in order to find a balance between their own construct of motherhood, and its own related identity positions, on the one hand, and frustrated and disempowered (wider and narrower) referent social contexts. These strategies are: (a) strategy of conforming or mimicry, which is being implemented in two possible ways through: full acceptance of the ideological and normative positions that dominate within the referent family network, and the practice of self-sacrificing micro-matriarchy (Blagojević, 1997); and (b) strategy of active confrontation, which is also being implemented in two different ways through: indirect confrontation (distancing strategies), and / or direct confrontation.en
dc.publisherSociološko udruženje Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd
dc.subjectsamožrtvujući mikro-matrijarhatsr
dc.subjectself-sacrificing micro-matriarchyen
dc.titlePozicioniranje iskustva materinstva unutar socijalne mreže porodičnih odnosasr
dc.titlePositioning the experience of motherhood within the social network of family relationshipsen
dc.citation.other56(4): 458-473



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