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The cult of Saint Archangel Michael among Benedictans in the area of Bar mitropoly and Kotor episcopacy: Social and cultural conditions ( 9th - 13th century)

dc.creatorMitrović, Katarina S
dc.description.abstractSredinom 9. veka benediktinski monaški red beležio je uspon u južnoj Italiji. Počev od kraja 8. stoleća Montekasino je bio nosilac kulturnog preporoda, mreža opatija uveliko se proširila na području Beneventa, Apulije, Kampanije, Kalabrije i drugih oblasti, dok su pripadnici ovog reda u evropskim okvirima važili za glasovite misionare, koji su dali veliki doprinos hristijanizaciji mnogih germanskih i slovenskih naroda. Međutim, benediktinci u južnoj Italiji su već neko vreme bili izloženi napadima Saracena i drugih razbojnika koji su ugrožavali i pljačkali njihove manastire, što je kulminiralo osvajanjem Montekasina 883. godine. Zbog učvršćivanja vizantijske vlasti prilike na istočnoj jadranskoj obali delovale su daleko stabilnije i pogodnije za život monaških zajednica. Pored toga, u zaleđu vizantijskih gradova živelo je slovensko stanovništvo koje je već više od dva veka postepeno prodiralo u priobalne zone, polako izgrađujući svoj odnos sa Romanima, žiteljima urbanih sredina. Sloveni su još uvek u velikom broju bili poklonici stare religije ili tek delimično hristijanizovani. Osim što su uživali ugled uspešnih misionara, benediktinci su svoje manastire podizali u seoskoj sredini nadomak glavnih saobraćajnica i gradskih centara, dok se njihov način života uklapao u mentalitet i navike agrarnog društva. Hristijanizovanje slovenskog življa omogućavalo je širenje kulturnih modela iz gradova centara vizantijske uprave, što je prejudiciralo jačanje ideoloških pozicija i učvršćivanje njihove faktičke vlasti. Na drugoj strani, Apostolska stolica je na ovakve poduhvate gledala blagonaklono budući da su benediktinci gotovo neosetno doprinosili snaženju pozicija rimske crkve u Dalmaciji. Benediktinci su ozbiljno pristupali misionarskim poduhvatima, o čemu svedoči i vešt izbor svetačkih kultova, pre svega titulara velikih opatija.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the middle of the 9th century, the Benedictan order was on the rise in South Italy. Since the end of the 8th century, Montecasino has been the champion of cultural revival, and a network of abbeys has been established across the regions of Benevento, Puglia, Campania, Calabria and other regions. Members of this order, within European borders, were reputed missionairies who contributed greatly to the christianisation of many Germanic and Slavic peoples. However, the Benedictans from South Italy had suffered attacks by the Saracenes and other invadors who raided and plundered their monasteries, which culminated with their conquer of Montecasino in 883AD. Because of the strengthening of the Byzantine rule, the conditions on the east Adriatic coast seemed far more suitable and stable for life of monastery communities. Also, Slavic population settled back to Byzantine cities, and slowly, they moved towards the coastline zones, building good relations with the urban Roman population. The Slavs had still worshiped old gods or were only partly christianized. In addition to being respected as successful missionaries, the Benedicants raised their monasteries in rural communities close to main roads and city centers, while their way of life fitted in the mentality and habits of an aggrarian society. Christianisation of the Slavic population enabled spreading of cultural models from the city centres under the Byzantine rule, which lead to strenghtening of ideological positions and fortification of their factual rule. On the other side, the Holy See looked benevolently on these efforts, since the Benedictans almost unnoticably contributed to strenghtening of the Roman Church positions in Dalmatia. The Benedictans took their missonary endevours seriously, as we can see from a very smart selection of the cults of saints - primarily patrons of big abbeys.en
dc.publisherZavod za proučavanje kulturnog razvitka, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177010/RS//
dc.subjectvizantijski gradovisr
dc.subjectsvetački kultovisr
dc.subjectsv. Arhanđel Mihailosr
dc.subjectSt Archangel Michealen
dc.subjectcults of saintsen
dc.subjectByzantine citiesen
dc.titleKult svetog Arhanđela Mihaila među benediktincima na području Barske mitropolije i Kotorske episkopije - odraz društvenih i kulturnih prilika (9-13. vek)sr
dc.titleThe cult of Saint Archangel Michael among Benedictans in the area of Bar mitropoly and Kotor episcopacy: Social and cultural conditions ( 9th - 13th century)en
dc.citation.other(143): 219-229



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