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Leaving school: Analysis of a case study from the angle of the ecological approach

dc.creatorStepanović Ilić, Ivana
dc.creatorVidenović, Marina
dc.creatorLazarević, Ljiljana
dc.description.abstractOsipanje učenika ima dalekosežne posledice za pojedinca i društvo. Ovim problemom bavimo se kroz analizu studija slučaja 12 dece (osnovna i srednja škola) koja su napustila školu ili su pod rizikom da to učine, iz ugla Bronfenbrenerove teorije. To je adekvatan referentni okvir za razumevanje uzroka osipanja jer razmatra razne nivoe razvoja i njihove veze. Sa decom su vođeni polustrukturisani intervjui, kao i sa četiri roditelja. Ostali podaci prikupljeni su intervjuima ili fokus grupama sa direktorima, stručnom službom, nastavnicima, članovima saveta roditelja, i učenicima. Kvalitativna analiza pokazuje narušenu strukturu i funkcionisanje već na nivou mikrosistema (porodica, škola, vršnjaci) koji se mogu povezati sa osipanjem. Veze mikrosistema su sporadične i neadekvatne (mezosistem) što dodatno doprinosi osipanju. Viši nivoi okruženja (egzosistem i makrosistem), u kojima deca ne participiraju, ali zavise od njihovog uticaja posredno doprinose problemu osipanja. Mnoga deca su se suočila sa nenormativnim životnim događajima (hronosistem: razvod ili smrt roditelja, maloletnička trudnoća, preseljenje) koji su se odrazili na odluku o napuštanju škole. Ovaj rad vidimo kao inicijalni korak koji će ocrtati probleme i ukazati na buduće pravce istraživanja koja bi na osnovu Bronfenbrenerovog pristupa sistemski ispitala razne nivoe okruženja i stvorila bazu za donošenje ekološki validnih mera za suzbijanje
dc.description.abstractLeaving school has far reaching consequences both for the individual and the society. We tackled this problem by using Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory to analyse case studies of 12 children (elementary and secondary schools) who quit schooling or are under risk to do so. It is an adequate frame of reference for understanding the causes of school-leaving since it considers different levels of development and their relations. The children and four parents took part in semi-structured interviews. Other data were gathered by interviewing the focus groups of school principals, school pedagogues and psychologists, teachers, Parent Councils, and pupils. The qualitative analysis shows a disturbed structure and functioning even at the level of microsystem (family, school, peers) which may be linked with school-leaving. The relations between microsystems are sporadic and inadequate (mesosystem) which additionally stimulates school-leaving. Higher levels of environment (exo and macro systems) in which children do not participate, yet depend upon their indirect influence, stimulate school leaving, too. Many children were faced with nonnormative life events (chrono-system: divorce or death of parent/s, underage pregnancy, family moving). We view this research as the initial step which will identify the problems and lead to future directions of research which would, based on Bronfenbrenner's approach, systematically examine different levels of environment and form the basis for creating ecologically valid measures for prevention of school-leaving.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectstudije slučajasr
dc.subjectodustajanje od školovanjasr
dc.subjectekološki pristupsr
dc.subjectecological approachen
dc.subjectcase studiesen
dc.titleOdustajanje od školovanja - analiza studija slučaja iz ugla ekološkog pristupasr
dc.titleLeaving school: Analysis of a case study from the angle of the ecological approachen
dc.citation.other64(3): 453-468



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