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Amateurism as factor of activities in leisure time of adults

dc.creatorOvesni, Kristinka
dc.description.abstractU radu se razmatra problem amaterizma kao činioca slobodnog vremena i amaterskih aktivnosti kao činioca aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu. Analiziranjem relevantne literature zaključuje se da je neusklađenost upotrebe termina amaterizam dovela do neodređenosti područja amaterizma. Kao najznačajnije karakteristike amaterizma izdvojene su samoekspresivnost-aktivitet i ispoljavanje sa elementima igre. Poseban akcenat stavljen je na destruktivni odnos masovne kulture prema
dc.description.abstractIn this paper the problem of amateurism as factor of leisure time and amateur activities as factor of activities in leisure time is discussed. As the most important characteristics of amateurism self-expression- activity and expression with elements of play are outlined. Amateur activities are to a great extent interest activities. They offer to an individual the possibility of finding his own identification, active participation in his own freedom and creative work, and therefore the possibilities of his own disalienation. Basing the characteristics of amateur activities on objective interests, self-expression-activity and expression with elements of play as entries relevant for distinction of amateur from other activities in leisure time of adults are especially distinguished. Amateur activities through self-expression become active state of self- confirmation on the contrary to the practice of passive, 'observational', 'consumption' activities in the leisure time of adults, thus opening the possibility of andragogic influence on the dynamic of the leisure time. Expression with elements of play, based upon the objective interests, represents one of the basic properties of amateurism in which the possibilities of integration, expressions of man's inner sides and realization of complete autonomy are included. The emphasis is given on a destructive relation of mass culture towards amateurism. Mass culture leads to the phenomenon of destructive influence on the amateur activity by disabling the development of human creative capabilities and the complete changing of the relation of man on the education, culture, personal surroundings as well as the humanization of his person.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.sourceAndragoške studije
dc.subjectslobodno vreme odraslihsr
dc.subjectmasovna kulturasr
dc.subjectamaterske aktivnostisr
dc.subjectmass cultureen
dc.subjectleisure time of adultsen
dc.subjectamateur activitiesen
dc.titleAmaterizam kao činilac aktivnosti u slobodnom vremenu odraslihsr
dc.titleAmateurism as factor of activities in leisure time of adultsen
dc.citation.other3(1): 54-70

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