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The Serbo-Croat dispute regarding Vojvodina 1918-1941.

dc.creatorRadojević, Mira
dc.description.abstractSrpsko-hrvatski spor oko Vojvodine pojava je vekovnog trajanja, čiji početak nalazima u revoluciji 1848-49. godine u toku koje je postavljeno pitanje pripadnosti Srema. U periodu između dva svetska rata vojvođanski problem moguće je posmarati kao sastavni deo srpsko-hrvatskih odnosa o modelu državnog uređenja, ali i kao deo problema kulturne, političke i ekonomske neintegrisanosti srpske nacije u jugoslovenskoj državi, ekonomskog i političkog nezadovoljstva Vojvodine i vojvođansko-srbijanskih nerazumevanja. U državno-pravnom smislu pitanje severne srpske pokrajine bilo je slično položaju Bosne i Hercegovine, ali je imalo i svoje osobenosti. Zahtevajući preuređenje na nacionalnim osnovama i stvaranje više federalnih jedinica politički predstavnici Hrvata iznosili su u pogledu Vojvodine više predloga zalažući se za njenu deobu između srpske i hrvatske jedinice, plebiscitarno odlučivanje njenog stanovništva i autonomiju, odnosno status ravnopravan drugim formiranim jedinicama. Očekivano je, međutim, da bi takva Vojvodina zbog većine svojih rimokatoličkih stanovnika i tradicionalnih veza sa pokrajinama bivše Austro-Ugarske brzo potpala pod uticaj Zagreba, što bi korenito izmenilo odnos snaga između Srba i Hrvata. Upravo na ovim pitanjima srpske političke stranke su, kao retko kada, zastupale gotovo istovetna mišljenja, protiveći se i deobi i autonomiji pokrajine. Po njihovom gotovo jedinstvenom mišljenju, mesto Vojvodine moglo je biti, nezavisno od osnova i obima državnog preuređenja, jedino uz Srbiju i u srpskoj jedinici, ali i uz priznavanje samoupravnih prava.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Serbo-Croat dispute regarding Vojvodina is an old one, arising in the revolution of 1848-49 when the issue of the affiliation of Srem was raised for the first time. In the period between the two world wars, the problem of Vojvodina can be viewed as part of Serbo-Croat differences regarding the model form of government but also as part of the problem of the Serbian nation's cultural, political and economic non-integration in the Yugoslav state, the economic and political dissatisfaction of Vojvodina and the differences arising between Vojvodina and Serbia. In political and legal terms, the question of the northern Serbian province was similar to that of Bosnia and Herzegovina but with specific characteristics. Croatian political representatives demanded a re-organization based on nations and the formation of several federal units. With this aim they suggested a number of proposals concerning Vojvodina, such as its division between Serbia and Croatia, freedom of choice for its inhabitants which would be expressed by plebiscite and autonomy, or rather a status equal to that of other federal units. It was anticipated, however, that such changes would quickly push Vojvodina under the influence of Zagreb, prompted by the Roman-Catholic majority of its population and its traditional ties with the province of the former Austria-Hungary and that this would deeply affect the proportion of power between Serbia and Croatia. Serbian political parties were unanimous regarding this issue as they rarely were on other occasions, opposing this division and the autonomy of the province. It was their more or less shared opinion that Vojvodina's place, regardless of the basis and scope of the national re-organization, could be with Serbia and within the Serbian unit but with autonomous rights.en
dc.publisherInstitut za savremenu istoriju, Beograd
dc.sourceIstorija 20. veka
dc.titleSrpsko-hrvatski spor oko Vojvodine 1918-1941sr
dc.titleThe Serbo-Croat dispute regarding Vojvodina 1918-1941.en
dc.citation.other14(2): 39-73



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