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The development of PISA reading competence in secondary education

dc.creatorJovanović, Vitomir
dc.creatorBaucal, Aleksandar
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj ovog rada jeste pružanje doprinosa odgovorima na pitanje o tome koji su najvažniji prediktori napretka u čitalačkoj kompetenciji koji učenik ostvari nakon dve godine srednjeg obrazovanja i da li se sklop prediktora napretka razlikuje od sklopa prediktora postignuća na testu čitalačke pismenosti i školskog uspeha izraženog kroz školske ocene. Iz uzorka koji je korišćen za istraživanje PISA 2009 koje je sprovedeno u Srbiji, učenici su nakon dve godine ponovno testirani PISA testom čitalačke pismenosti, kvazi-longitudinalno, mereći korelate postignuća u drugoj vremenskoj tački. Realizovani uzorak predstavlja 20 srednjih škola i 446 učenika. Izabrano je 14 prediktora koja su, prema dosadašnjim istraživanjima, pokazala najveću povezanost sa školskim postignućem. Rezultati pokazuju da prediktori objašnjavaju samo 13% varijanse napredovanja na testu čitalačke pismenosti (R=.36; R2=.13; F =12.97; p lt .05) iako objašnjavaju 49% varijanse postignuća na njemu (R=.70; R2 197,18 =.49; F257,18 =12.97; p lt .001), što otvara pitanje važnosti ranog učenja na napredovanje u čitalačkoj kompetentnosti. Kao najsnažniji prediktor i u jednoj i u drugoj analizi pokazala se autonomna forma ekstrinzičke motivacije koja, prema teoriji samodeterminacije, govori o shvatanju važnosti učenja za budući život i karijeru. Nešto drugačiji sklop korišćenih prediktora predviđa školski uspeh meren ocenama. Korišćenje metakognitivnih strategija nije značajan prediktor školskog uspeha a jeste prediktor postignuća na testu čitalačke pismenosti. Zajedno s nalazima koji ukazuju na korelaciju nižu od očekivane između postignuća na čitalačkoj pismenosti i školskog uspeha (r=.39; p lt 0.001) i generalno niže napredovanje Srbije na ovom testu u odnosu na procenjeno napredovanje zemalja OECD-a, ti rezultati govore u prilog zaključku da naš obrazovni sistem ne podstiče dovoljno razvoj čitalačkih kompetencija.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the paper is to provide a contribution to answering the question about the most important predictors of progress in reading competence achieved by students after two years of secondary education, as well as whether the set of predictors of progress is different from the set of predictors of achievement in reading literacy test and school achievement measured via school grades. The students from the sample for the PISA 2009 study conducted in Serbia were tested again after two years by the PISA reading literacy test, quasi longitudinally, measuring achievement correlates at another time point. The realised sample included 20 secondary schools and 446 students. We selected fourteen predictors that, according to the studies so far, proved to have highest correlations with school achievement. The results have shown that the predictors explain only 13% of variance of the progress in reading literacy test (R=.36; R2=.13; F =12.97; p lt .05) although they explain 49% of variance of achievement at it (R=.70; R2 197,18 =.49; F257,18 =12.97; p lt .001). This opens up the issue of the importance of early learning for progress in reading competence. In both the first and the second analysis, the strongest predictor was the autonomous form of extrinsic motivation which, according to the self-determination theory, speaks about the importance of learning for future life and career. A somewhat different set of used predictors predicted school achievement measured via school grades. Using metacognitive strategies is not an important predictor of school achievement while it is the predictor of achievement in the reading literacy test. Together with the findings pointing towards the lower than expected correlation between achievement in reading literacy and school achievement (r=.39; p lt 0.001) and generally low progress of Serbia at this test compared to the estimated progress of the OECD countries, these results give grounds for the conclusion that our educational system does not promote sufficiently the development of reading competence.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.sourcePsihološka istraživanja
dc.subjectškolski uspehsr
dc.subjectnapredak na čitalačkoj pismenostisr
dc.subjectkorelati akademskog postignućasr
dc.subjectčitalačka pismenostsr
dc.subjectschool achievementen
dc.subjectreading literacyen
dc.subjectprogress in reading literacyen
dc.subjectcorrelates of academic achievementen
dc.titleRazvoj PISA čitalačke kompetencije u srednjem obrazovanjusr
dc.titleThe development of PISA reading competence in secondary educationen
dc.citation.other19(1): 63-82



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