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Construction of olg age as a social problem

dc.contributor.advisorKovačević, Ivan
dc.contributor.otherKovač, Senka
dc.contributor.otherKrel, Aleksandar
dc.creatorMilosavljević, Ljubica
dc.description.abstractCilj doktorske disertacije bio je da ponudi odgovore na pitanje na koji nacin je starost konstruisana kao društveni problem u domacim okvirima u protekla gotovo dva veka. Starost je analizirana kao socio-kulturna kategorija, umnogome zaviseća od ukupnih društvenih, političkih, ekonomskih i privrednih kretanja u srpskom društvu, ali i od međunarodnih uticaja koji su je dodatno oblikovali. Ona, dakle, nije fiksirani fenomen, nego izraz kontinuiranih društvenih dogovora i prilagođavanja na citav spektar raznorodnih faktora. Kada se starost sagledava na ovakav nacin, onda je njeno odvajanje od starosti kao biološke kategorije nužan uslov. Gerontološka definicija koja starost određuje počev od šezdeset pete godine života zbog toga za potrebe ovog istraživanja nije mogla biti preuzeta. Upravo, promene u definisanju starosti kao socio-kulturne kategorije, kao i uzroci i posledice uocenog redefinisanja, u razlicitim sferama društvenog života i tokom različitih perioda, bili su među glavnim predmetima analize ove studije. Odgovaranju na pitanja usled kojih uticaja starost pojedinih društvenih grupa krece put sazdavanja kao društvenog problema pristupljeno je postupkom dekonstrukcije procesa konstruisanja datog društvenog problema. Ovaj metod podrazumevao je analizu modela prirodne istorije koji su predložila dvojica društvenih konstruktivista Malkom Spektor i Džon Kicus. Autori, ukratko, određuju društvene probleme kao sled događaja, a ne kao statičke uslove, zbog čega i predlažu model sastavljen iz četiri faze, pri čemu svaku od faza karakterišu posebne dinamike ili procesi, različite vrste aktivnosti i dilema, dok se linearna progresija ne smatra nužnom. Dati model podrazumeva prerađenu verziju originalnog analitickog modela, koji je pre njih formulisao Herbert Blumer, i predstavlja mogucnost za praćenje procesa konstruisanja tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda, što je u slucaju konstruisanja starosti kao društvenog problema bilo neophodno. Proces konstruisanja starosti kao društvenog problema, međutim, nije podrazumevao samo jedan tok procesa konstruisanja. Hronološki stariji proces konstruisanja starosti kao društvenog problema odnosi se na uspostavljanje penzijskog osiguranja, penzionog sistema, formiranja penzionisanog sloja društva, do savremenih problema koji su u vezi sa analiziranim konstruktom. Drugi tok procesa, u izvesnoj meri zaviseci od prvog, konstruisan je kroz organizovano zbrinjavanje i stanovanje u starosti, tj. kroz domski smeštaj. Ova dva toka procesa konstruisanja analizirana su zasebno iz razloga što su njihova izvorišta otpocinjanja procesa konstruisanja bila suštinski razlicita. Prvi izdvojeni tok pripada sferi rada, pocev od izraženije profesionalizacije u 19. veku, i najpre predstavlja izraz priznate privilegije cinovništvu da bude obezbeđeno doživotnim davanjem tj. penzijom, nakon istupanja iz sfere rada. Drugi potproces konstruisanja starosti kao društvenog problema otpoceo je kroz imperativ baratanja širim društvenim problemom siromaštva nakon Prvog svetskog rata. Suprotno prvom, njegov pocetak rezultat je pružanja pomoci socijalno ugroženim pripadnicima društva među kojima su se našli i stari...sr
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this doctoral dissertation was to offer answers to the question how old age has been constructed as a social problem on a national scale over the time span of nearly two centuries. Old age was analysed as a socio-cultural category largely dependent on totality of social, political, and economic developments in the Serbian society, but also on international influences that affected it as well. Old age, thus, is not a rigid, inflexible phenomenon, but an expression of continuing social arrangements and adjustments to a range of diverse factors. When considered in this manner, departure from old age as a biological category is a necessary prerequisite. That is why gerontology definition, setting the old age cut-off at 65, could not have been adopted for this research. Actually, it was the changes in defining old age as a socio-cultural category, as well as the causes and effects of the identified redefining in various fields of social life and during different periods, that were among the major subjects analysed here. To answer the question what influences steer constructing old age as a social problem in specific social groups, the method adopted was the process of deconstructing the process of constructing the given social problem. The method involved analysing the natural history model suggested by two social constructivists, Malcolm Spector and John Kitsuse. In short, the authors define social problems as a sequence of events, and not as static conditions, and therefore suggest the four-stage model, where each stage features specific dynamics or processes, different types of activities and dilemmas, where linear progression is not considered necessary. The mentioned model builds on the elaborated version of the original analytical model previously formulated by Herbert Blumer, and provides an opportunity to observe the construction process over a longer time period, which was indispensable with regard to the subject matter, i.e. constructing old age as a social problem. However, the process of constructing old age as a social problem did not involve just one single course of the construction process. A chronologically older process of constructing old age as a social problem involves introducing pension insurance, establishing a pension system, forming the pensioned off layer of the society, and spans to contemporary problems related to the analysed construct. The other course of the process, dependent to a degree on the former, was constructed through organised care and housing in old age, i.e. accommodation in old age homes. These two courses of the construction process were analysed separately since the initial sources for the process were essentially different. The first identified course belongs to labour sphere, starting from the more pronounced professionalization in 19th century and as an expression of the privilege accorded to civil servants, who were to receive lifelong allowance, i.e. pension, after their term of service. The other course, the sub-process of constructing old age as a social problem, originated from the imperative of dealing with a wider social problem of poverty after World War One. Unlike the formerly mentioned one, it originated in a form of providing assistance to deprived members of the society, which included the elderly as well...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177035/RS//
dc.subjectstaracki domsr
dc.subjectpenzijsko osiguranjesr
dc.subjectdruštveni problemsr
dc.subjectsocial problemen
dc.subjectpension insuranceen
dc.subjectold ageen
dc.subjectold age homesen
dc.titleKonstruisanje starosti kao društvenog problemasr
dc.titleConstruction of olg age as a social problemen



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