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Combined illusions: Muller-Layer and horizontal-vertical illusion

dc.creatorBaucal, Aleksandar
dc.creatorTodorović, Dejan M.
dc.description.abstractU tri eksperimenta metodom reprodukcije ispitivali smo konfiguracije nastale kombinovanjem horizontalno-vertikalne (HV) i Miler-Lajerove (ML) iluzije. Krajevi linija u standardnoj HV konfiguraciji modifikovani su dodavanjem unutrašnjih strelica ('internizacija'), ravnih linija ('rektifikacija') ili spoljašnjih strelica ('eksternizacija'). U eksperimentima 2 i 3, te tri modifikacije primenjene su samo na horizontalnu ili samo na vertikalu; u eksperimentu 2 standardna linija je bila horizontalna, a u eksperimentu 3 vertikalna. U eksperimentu 1 internizacija i eksternizacija bile su primenjene i na horizontalu i na vertikalu. Standardna HV konfiguracija korišćena je kao kontrolni stimulus. Rezultati sva tri eksperimenta pokazuju doslednu strukturu asimetričnih odnosa efekata modifikacija na horizontalu i vertikalu; asimetričnost efekata eksternizacije i internizacije može se svesti na asimetričnost rektifikacije s obzirom na orijentaciju linije. Oblik linearnog odnosa dužine vertikale i horizontale u standardnoj HV konfiguracije zavisi od orijentacije standardne linije. Standardne teorije HV i ML iluzije ne predviđaju dobijene
dc.description.abstractIn three experiments we studied, by the method of reproduction, stimulus configurations constructed by combining the horizontal-vertical (HV) and the Muller-Layer (ML) illusion. The ends of lines in the standard HV configuration were modified by the annexation of internal arrows ('internization'), straight lines ('rectification') or external arrows ('externalization'). In experiments 2 and 3, the three modifications were applied only to the vertical or only to the horizontal line; in experiment 2 the standard line was the horizontal, and in experiment 3 the vertical line. In experiment 1 both internalization and externalization were applied to the horizontal and the vertical line. The standard HV configuration was used as the control stimulus. The results of all experiments show a consistent structure of asymmetrical relations of the effects of modifications on the horizontal and vertical lines; the asymmetry of the effects if internalization and externalization can be reduced to the asymmetry of rectification with respect to line orientation. The shape of the linear relation between the lengths of the horizontal and vertical lines in the standard HV configuration depends on the orientation of the standard line. Standard theories of the HV and ML illusions do not predict the obtained results.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectMiler-Lajerova iluzijasr
dc.subjecthorizontalno-vertikalna iluzijasr
dc.subjectMuller-Lyer illusionen
dc.subjecthorizontal-vertical illusionen
dc.titleKombinovane iluzije: Miler-Lajerova i horizontalno-vertikalna iluzijasr
dc.titleCombined illusions: Muller-Layer and horizontal-vertical illusionen
dc.citation.other29(2-3): 181-206



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