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Palliative care for children and adolescents between theory and practice: Where are we in Serbia?

dc.creatorKlikovac, Tamara
dc.description.abstractOvaj članak obuhvata tri glavna cilja: Prvi cilj se odnosi na upoznavanje naše stručne javnosti sa osnovnim konceptima i filozofijom palijativnog zbrinjavanja dece i adolescenata. Drugi cilj podrazumeva ukazivanje na važnost multidisciplinarne i sveobuhvatne brige (fizičke, psiho-socijalne i duhovne) u palijativnom zbrinjavanju uopšte, a posebno u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Treći cilj bio je da se kroz prizmu različitih modela palijativnog zbrinjavanja dece i adolescenata koji postoje u zemljama sveta, Evrope i regiona kritički osvrnemo na različite prepreke i otpore koji postoje u našoj sredini u vezi sa organizovanjem palijativnog zbrinjavanja dece i mladih. Palijativno zbrinjavanje dece predstavlja posebnu oblast, blisko povezanu sa palijativnim zbrinjavanjem odraslih. Ovaj pristup podrazumeva aktivno i sveobuhvatno zbrinjavanje tela, uma i duha deteta uz pružanje neophodne psiho-socijalne podrške i obolelom detetu i porodici tokom svih faza suočvanja sa neizlečivom bolešću, od postavljanja dijagnoze do kraja perioda žalosti zbog gubitka člana porodice. U širem smislu, palijativno zbrinjavanje može da poboljša kvalitet života i pacijenta i porodice, omogućavajući ublažavanje simptoma i kontrolu bola, adekvatnu psiho-socijalnu, psihoterapijsku i duhovnu podršku od momenta postavljanja dijagnoze do kraja života pacijenta, kao i psihološku proradu gubitka kod ožalošćenih članova porodice nakon smrti člana porodice. Palijativno zbrinjavanje dece može da bude sprovedeno u tzv. hospisima (posebnim kućama koje su uređene u skladu sa potrebama teško obolele dece i njihovih porodica), u ustanovama tercijarnog nivoa, u regionalnim centrima, kao i u domu deteta.sr
dc.description.abstractThis article comprises three aims. First aim refers to introducing our professional milieu to the basic concepts and philosophy of palliative care for children and adolescents. Second aim points out to the importance of multidisciplinary and comprehensive care (physical, psycho-social and spiritual) in palliative care in general, and particularly among pediatric patients. Third aim was to critically consider various obstacles and resistance that exists in our environment regarding the organization of palliative care for children and young people, through the prism of various models of palliative care for children and adolescents around the world, particularly in Europe and in the regional countries. Palliative care of children is a special area closely related to the palliative care of adults. It involves the active and comprehensive care of the body, mind and spirit of the child, providing the necessary psycho-social support to the affected child and the family during all the phases of facing the incurable disease, from the diagnosis to the end of the period of grief over the loss of a family member. In a wider sense, palliative care can improve the quality of life allowing the alleviation of symptoms and pain control, adequate psycho-social, psychotherapeutic and spiritual support from the moment of the diagnosis to the end of the patient's life. In addition to that, it also provides psychological support to family members grieving after the loss of a family member. Palliative care of children can be conducted in hospices (special centers organized accordingy to the needs of severely ill children and their families), in regional centers, as well as at children's homes.en
dc.publisherInstitut za mentalno zdravlje, Beograd
dc.sourcePsihijatrija danas
dc.subjectsveobuhvatan pristupsr
dc.subjectpsihološki aspektisr
dc.subjectpalijativno zbrinjavanje dece i adolescenatasr
dc.subjectpsychological aspectsen
dc.subjectpalliative care for children and adolescentsen
dc.subjectholistic approachen
dc.titlePalijativno zbrinjavanje dece i adolescenata između teorije i prakse - gde smo mi u Srbiji?sr
dc.titlePalliative care for children and adolescents between theory and practice: Where are we in Serbia?en
dc.citation.other49(2): 125-135



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