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The quality of problem-oriented teaching and student achievement

dc.creatorNikolić, Nataša
dc.description.abstractU radu se analiziraju mogućnosti i načini primene problemski orijentisa­ne nastave u školskoj praksi. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se prošire dosadašnja saznanja o zastupljenosti, kvalitetu primene i o karakteristikama realizacije problemski orijentisane nastave, kao i efektu koji tako organizovana nastava ima na nivo i kvalitet učeničkog postignuća u nastavi matematike i biologije. U istraživanju je učestvovalo devedeset sedam nastavnika matematike, devedeset devet nastavnika biologije i ukupno hiljadu sto sedamnaest učenika. Korišćena je deskriptivno-analitička metoda, a podaci su prikupljeni pomoću tehnike anketiranja, skaliranja i testiranja. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je problemski orijentisana nastava optimalno zastupljen način nastavnog rada u nastavi matematike, dok je u nastavi biologije zastupljena u nešto manjem obimu. Učenici čiji nastavnici često primenjuju problemski orijentisanu nastavu ostvaruju bolja postignuća u odnosu na učenike čiji nastavnici retko primenjuju ovaj način rada. U pogledu prirode problema, učenici najčešće rešavaju probleme koji sadrže veći broj informacija u tekstu, dok se ređe suočavaju sa problemima koji imaju više tačnih rešenja. Učenici uglavnom procenjuju da u toku rešavanja problema realizuju aktivnosti problemski orijentisane nastave. Ispitivanjem kvaliteta njihove realizacije ustanovljeno je da učenici ne posvećuju dovoljno pažnje početnim aktivnostima rešavanja problema, kao i vrednovanju ostvarenih rezultata. Utvrđene su pozitivne korelacije između ispitanih svojstava problema i postignuća učenika, kao i između učestalosti i kvaliteta realizacije aktivnosti problemski orijentisane nastave i postignuća učenika. Problemski orijentisana nastava uglavnom se realizuje na časovima utvrđivanja, posredstvom dijaloške metode i primenom individualnog oblika rada u nastavi matematike, a posredstvom frontalnog oblika rada u nastavi biologije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyses the possibilities and ways of implementing problem-oriented teachingin the classroom. The goal of the research was to expand the existing knowledge about the level of representation, quality of implementation, and the characteristics of the problem-oriented teaching, as well as about the effect of this form of teaching on the level and quality of student achievement in biology and mathematics. The research involved 97 mathematics teachers, 99 biology teachers, and a total of 1117 students. A descriptive-analytical method was used and the data was collected by using scaling, surveying, and testing techniques. The research results indicate that problem-oriented teaching is the most frequently used teaching approach in mathematics classroom, while it is used to a lesser extent in teaching biology. The students whose teachers frequently use problem-oriented teaching achieve better results than students who are rarely exposed to this type of teaching and learning. As far as the type of the problem is concerned, students mostly have to solve problems containing more information in the text, while the problems with several correct solutions are rarely used. Students generally realise that problem-solving process involves the activities pertaining to the problem-oriented teaching and learning. The analysis of the quality of implementation showed that students do not pay enough attention to initial activities in the problem-solving process and to the evaluation of the achieved results. Positive correlations were established between the analysed characteristics of the problems and student achievement, as well as between the frequency and quality of the problem-oriented teaching activities and student achievement. Problem-oriented teaching is mostly implemented at revision classes by using a dialogue method and individual interaction pattern in teaching mathematics, while frontal interaction pattern is mostly used in biology classes.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Učiteljski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceInovacije u nastavi
dc.subjectproblemski orijentisana nastavasr
dc.subjectproblemska nastavasr
dc.subjectpostignuće učenikasr
dc.subjectaktivnosti problemski orijentisane nastavesr
dc.subjectstudent achievementen
dc.subjectproblem-oriented teachingen
dc.subjectproblem-oriented teaching activitiesen
dc.subjectproblem-based learningen
dc.titleKvalitet problemski orijentisane nastave i postignuće učenikasr
dc.titleThe quality of problem-oriented teaching and student achievementen
dc.citation.other31(4): 1-14



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