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The Activity School in Serbia (1880-1940)

dc.contributor.advisorKocić, Ljubomir
dc.contributor.otherVujisić-Živković, Nataša
dc.contributor.otherBodroški-Spariosu, Biljana
dc.creatorIlić-Rajković, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractPokret za radnu školu javlja se krajem XIX i početkom XX veka, u okviru šireg pokreta za novu školu u više evropskih zemalja i u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. U Srbiji je ovaj pokret bio aktuelan u periodu između dva svetska rata. Predmet ovog istraživanja jeste pokret za radnu školu u Srbiji u periodu od 1880. do 1940. godine. Cilj istraživanja jeste pokušaj utvrđivanja i objašnjenja okolnosti nastanka pokreta za radnu školu u Srbiji i osnovnih faza razvoja tog pokreta kako na teorijskom, tako i na praktičnom planu, kao i pokušaj sagledavanja doprinosa ideja o radnoj školi pedagoškoj nauci u Srbiji. Hronološki posmatrano, pokretu za radnu školu prethodio je pokret za uvođenje ručnog rada u osnovne škole koji se razvijao od osamdesetih godina XIX veka do početka XX veka. Između gašenja pokreta za ručni rad i početka pokreta za radnu školu u Srbiji je razdoblje od dve decenije, kada se na međunarodnom planu javlja koncept radne škole. Od dvadesetih godina XX veka, u Srbiji ideja radne škole zastupana je od strane većeg broja predstavnika. Prema navedenim periodima rad je strukturiran u tri poglavlja. U prvom poglavlju razmatran je pokret za uvođenje ručnog rada i utvrđeno da se razvoj ovog pokreta u Srbiji može pratiti kroz tri faze koje su označene kao: utemeljenje ideje o pedagoškom značenju ručnog rada, širenje pokreta za ručni rad i gašenje pokreta. Nosioci pokreta bili su Sreten Adžić, Jovan Miodragović i Jovan S. Jovanović. Vaspitanje za rad u Srbiji krajem XIX veka trebalo je prema Adžićevom tumačenju, da razvija pozitivan stav prema radu, redu i tačnosti što podrazumeva i osetljivost za probleme neposrednog okruženja, preduzimanje inicijative i veštinu planiranja da se oni reše. Jovanović organizuje prve tečajeve za obuku učitelja u ručnom radu, pokreće časopis Ručni rad, sastavlja nastavni program, metodička uputstva za učitelje i priručnike za učenike. Ručni rad u osnovne škole u Srbiji kao obavezan predmet uveden je 1898. godine Zakonom o narodnim školama. Učitelji nisu podržavali tu inicijativu jer je njihov profesionalni i društveni status bio izrazito nepovoljan, te su se okrenuli protiv svih novina koje su Zakonom uvedene. Usled takvog odnosa prema ručnom radu njegova realizacija praktično nije ni započeta što je dovelo do gašenja pokreta. U periodu 1904-1920. godine je na međunarodnom planu ova ideja aktuelna dalje, pre svega u praktičnim pokušajima Džona Djuija i Georga Keršenštajnera značajnih za javljanje koncepcije radne š
dc.description.abstractThe movement for activity school occurs at the end of the XIX and early XX century , as part of a broader movement for a new school in a number of European countries and the United States . In Serbia, this movement has been actual in the period between the two world wars . The subject of this research is the movement for activity school in Serbia in the period in 1880 - 1940. year. The aim of the research is an attempt to confirm and explain the circumstances of the movement activity school in Serbia and main phases of development of the mov ement on both a theoretical and practical level, and attempt to comprehend the contributions of activity school conception to pedagogical science in Serbia . Chronologically speaking, the movement for activity school was preceded by the movement for the int roduction of handwork in the primary school which has developed since the eighties of the XIX century to the early XX century. Between the closing movement for handwork and the beginning of the movement for activity school in Serbia is a period of two dec ades , when on international level the concept of activity school arises . Since the twenties of the XX century , the idea of activity school was in Serbia represented by a number of representatives. Thesis is, according to these periods, structured in thr ee chapters . The first chapter discussed the movement for handwork and found that the development of that movement in Serbia was developed through three stages that are identified as : the establishment of the idea of the pedagogical significance handwork , the expansion of the movement and extinguishing. The main representatives of the movement were Sreten Adzić, Jovan Miodragović and Jovan S . Jovanović. Work education in Serbia at the end of the XIX century should have to, according Adžić’s interpretati on, to develop a positive attitude towards work, order and accuracy of which implies sensitivity to the problems of the immediate environment , taking the initiative and planning skills to solve them . Jovanović organized the first training courses for teach ers in handwork, started the magazine Ручни рад ( Handwork ) , prepares curriculum, methodical instruction manuals for teachers and textbooks for students. Handwork in primary schools as a compulsory subject, in Serbia was introduced in 1898. by The law on pu blic education . Teachers did not support this initiative because their professional and social status was highly unfavorable , and turned on against all the novelties that have been introduced by law . Because such attitude towards the handwork its practical implementation has not even started , which led to the extinction of the movement. In the period 1904 - 1920 . years at the international level this idea still actual , especially in the practical efforts of John Dewey and George Kerschensteiner important for foundation of the concept of activity school...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Filozofski fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.subjectškolska reformasr
dc.subjectručni radsr
dc.subjectradno vaspitanjesr
dc.subjectradna školasr
dc.subjectobrazovanje učiteljasr
dc.subjectaktivnost učenikasr
dc.subjectwork educationen
dc.subjectteachers educationen
dc.subjectstudent activitiesen
dc.subjectschool reformen
dc.subjectactivity schoolen
dc.titleRadna škola u Srbiji (1880-1940)sr
dc.titleThe Activity School in Serbia (1880-1940)en

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