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The structure of teacher-specific intercultural competence: Empirical evidence on the 'Beliefs, Values, and Goals' dimension

dc.creatorLeutwyler, Bruno
dc.creatorPetrović, Danijela
dc.creatorJokić, Tijana
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja je da identifikuje elemente koji čine integralni deo konstrukta interkulturne kompetencije specifične za nastavnike. U ovom radu fokusiramo se na facete konstrukata za koje se smatra da su prilično zasićene vrednostima i afektivno obojene. Prateći široko korišćeni teorijski model profesionalnih kompetencija nastavnika koji su razvili Baumert i Kunter (2013), konceptualno smo smestili ove facete unutar dimenzije 'Verovanja, Vrednosti i Ciljeva' i predlažemo četiri centralna elementa: (1) uvažavanje kulturne raznolikosti; (2) etno-relativan pogled na svet; (3) stavove prema integraciji; (4) identifikacija sa ciljevima interkulturog obrazovanja. Da bismo testirali hipotezu da ova četiri aspekta predstavljaju jedan jedini nadređeni latentni konstrukt, operacionalizovali smo svaki odgovarajućom skalom i onda proverili internu konzistenciju instrumenta, konvergentnu i faktorsku validnost. Rezultati ukazuju da naše četiri skale imaju dobre interne konzistencije (Kronbahove alfe između 0,82 i 0,89), da se uklapaju u jednofaktorsku strukturu (kao što je demonstrirano konfirmativnom faktorskom analizom) i ukazuju na jedan latentni konstrukt (RMSEA=0,000; TLI = 1,004; CFI = 1,000; SRMR = .007). Sa ovim rezultatima, ovaj rad predstavlja validni, kontekstualno relevantni novi instrument za procenu verovanja, vrednosti i ciljeva nastavnika u vezi sa interkulturnim obrazovanjem i doprinos u razrešenju teorijskih, metodoloških i praktičnih problema istraživanja interkulturnih kompetencija.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this contribution is to identify the elements that are integral parts of a teacherspecific intercultural competence construct. In this paper, we focus on those facets of the construct that are considered to be rather value-laden and affectively tinged. Following the widely used theoretical model of teachers' professional competencies developed by Baumert and Kunter (2013), we conceptually place these facets within the Beliefs, Values, & Goals dimension, and propose four core elements: (1) appreciation of cultural diversity; (2) ethnorelative worldview; (3) attitudes toward integration; and (4) identification with goals of intercultural education. In order to test the hypothesis that these four aspects represent one single overarching latent construct, we operationalized each with an appropriate scale and then scrutinized the instruments' internal consistency, and convergent and factorial validity. The results suggest that our four scales have good internal consistencies (Cronbach's alphas between .82 and .89), adhere to a one-factor structure (as demonstrated by Confirmatory Factor Analysis), and indicate one latent construct (RMSEA = 0.000; TLI = 1.004; CFI = 1.000; SRMR = .007). With these results, this paper presents a valid, contextually relevant new instrument to assess (pre-service) teachers' beliefs, values and goals regarding intercultural education and contributes to resolving theoretical, methodological, and practical issues of research on intercultural competencies.en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179018/RS//
dc.subjectobrazovanje nastavnikasr
dc.subjectinterkulturno obrazovanjesr
dc.subjectinterkulturne kompetencijesr
dc.subjectteacher educationen
dc.subjectintercultural educationen
dc.subjectintercultural competenciesen
dc.titleStruktura interkulturnih kompetencija speciifičnih za nastavnike - empirijski dokazi za dimenziju 'Verovanja, Vrednosti i Ciljeva'sr
dc.titleThe structure of teacher-specific intercultural competence: Empirical evidence on the 'Beliefs, Values, and Goals' dimensionen
dc.citation.other51(1): 107-126



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