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On the sacral meaning of the musical instrument and the role of prophet David in the scene of the death of the rigtheous man: A contribution to the study of the visual representations of musical instruments in the East-christian sacral art

dc.creatorGavrilović, Anđela
dc.description.abstractStarozavetni prorok David bio je u sakralnoj istoriji poznat kao car Judeja, kao prorok, sastavljač Psaltira, ali i kao muzičar. Stoga se on na predstavama u istočnohrišćanskoj umetnosti koje ilustruju svetu istoriju odnosno biblijski narativ po pravilu prikazuje sa određenim muzičkim instrumentom u rukama. Iako su predstave muzičkih instrumenata u umetnosti zemalja vizantijskog kulturnog kruga u (etno)muzikološkoj nauci i istoriji umetnosti temeljno obrađene, postojeća likovna građa i dalje pruža mogućnosti za nova istraživanja. Dok je do sada u okviru analize ikonografije, kada je reč o instrumentima, najviše pažnje posvećeno organografskoj analizi (M. Velimirović, D. Dević, R. Pejović), njihovo značenje i uloga muzike ostali su nedovoljno obrađeni. Scene o kojima ćemo u radu govoriti dozvoljaju obe vrste analize. Ono što je sa ikonografske i organografske tačke gledišta zanimljivo jeste činjenica da su muzički instrumenti sa kojima je car David prikazan u scenama Smrti pravednika različiti. Ovom prilikom, razmotrićemo pojedine scene Smrti pravednika u vremenskom rasponu od XIII do XVII veka u vizantijskoj, kao i srpskoj, ruskoj i rumunskoj crkvenoj umetnosti nakon 1453. godine sa aspekta ikonografije, a posebna pažnja će biti posvećena opravdanosti pojave određenih instrumenata u rukama cara Davida, kao i njihovim značenjima.SR
dc.description.abstractThe Old Testament prophet David was known in sacred history as the King of Jews, as a prophet, the compiler of the Psalter, but also as a musician. Therefore, he is usually depicted with certain musical instruments in his hands in Eastern Christian art that illustrates sacred history or the biblical narrative. Although the representations of musical instruments in the art of the lands under the Byzantine cultural and spiritual influence have been minutely analysed, the existing art still provides opportunities for further research. Until present day most attention was given to the organographic analysis of the musical instruments (M. Velimirović, D. Dević, R. Pejović), while their meaning and the role in the scenes have remained insuficiently addressed. T e scene analysed in this paper allows for both types of analysis. What is interesting from the iconographic and organographic point of view is the fact that the musical instruments with which Emperor David is portrayed in the scenes of the Death of the Righteous man are diferent. On this occasion, we will look at scenes of the Death of the Righteous man in the time span from the thirteenth to the seventeenth centuries in Byzantine art, as well as Serbian, Russian and Romanian ecclesiastical art after 1453 from the aspect of iconography. Special attention will be paid to the justif cation of the reasons for the appearance of certain instruments in the hands of King David, as well as their meanings.EN
dc.publisherSrpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SANU - Muzikološki institut, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177036/RS//
dc.subjectSmrt pravednikaSR
dc.subjectorganografska analizaSR
dc.subjectmuzički instrumentiSR
dc.subjectistočnohrišćanska sakralna umetnostSR
dc.subjectcar i prorok DavidSR
dc.subjectorganographic analysisEN
dc.subjectmusical instrumentsEN
dc.subjectKing and Prophet DavidEN
dc.subjectEastern Christian sacred artEN
dc.subjectDeath of the Righteous manEN
dc.titleO sakralnom značenju muzičkog instrumenta i ulozi proroka Davida u sceni Smrt pravednika - prilog proučavanju likovnih predstava muzičkih instrumenata u istočnohrišćanskoj crkvenoj umetnostiSR
dc.titleOn the sacral meaning of the musical instrument and the role of prophet David in the scene of the death of the rigtheous man: A contribution to the study of the visual representations of musical instruments in the East-christian sacral artEN
dc.citation.other(27): 277-302



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