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Violence of young people over parents in Belgrade: Analysis of official data

dc.creatorLjubičić, Milana
dc.description.abstractU radu će biti riječi o jednoj od najstrožije čuvanih porodičnih tajni - nasilju djece nad roditeljima. O ovom fenomenu veoma malo znamo, iako je sva prilika da dobija zabrinjavajuće razmjere na globalnom nivou. Domaćih istraživanja viktimizacije roditelja od strane djece gotovo da nema. Stoga je primarni cilj naše analize bio da opišemo: obilježja nasilja, nasilnika i žrtava, te karakteristike porodičnog mikrosistema i ponudimo moguća objašenja etiologije i posljedica koje viktimizacija ima po roditelje i ukupnu porodičnu dinamiku. U istraživanju smo koristili dokumentacionu građu centara za socijalni rad na teritoriji grada Beograda o prijavljenim slučajevima nasilja djece nad roditeljima u periodu od 2010. do 2016. godine. Iz elektronske baze centara izdvojeno je 85 dosijea roditelja koje su viktimizovala njihova djeca. Nalazi analize su potvrdili da u kreiranju nasilnih događaja ulogu igraju kako faktor ličnosti i zloupotreba psihoaktivnih supstanci (PAS) od strane nasilnika, tako i porodična dinamika, a sva je prilika da u ovu jednačinu treba uključiti društveni i pravni tretman porodice i javni diksurs o roditeljima koji postaju žrtve svoje
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we analyzed the violence of youth over parents. Parental victimization is the topic that is not enough revived in foreign, and especially not in domestic scientific literature. When it comes to our country, the focus of domestic researchers on two types of domestic violence is evident. Violence over women and children are considered to be the only relevant and highly troubling type of victimization by family violence. Our paper goals were to describe the characteristics of the perpetrators and victims, the characteristics of violence and family dynamics, and to try to understand the findings from the ecosystem's perspective. The ecosystem theory explains violence by the ontogenic, microsystem, mesosystem and egzosystem factors. We examined two dimensions of the model: ontogenetic, which emphasize individual characteristics, and microsystem - which is focused on factors connected with family system. We used documentary data on parents victimization gathered from the electronic database from Belgrade's Centers for Social Work for the period from 2010. to 2016. The sample consists of 85 files of fathers and mothers who were violated by their children, age 18-14. The data was collected and then statistically processed. The findings indicate that victims are mostly female, living in single-parent families, with poor educational, working and mental health status. It is also indicative that the share of fathers in the total number of victimized parents has a trend of growth. We noticed the differences in the structure of families from which parents come. Mothers mostly live alone with children, and fathers in a two-parent family. We find out that the predominant abusers are sons. The mental health of the perpetrators, regardless of gender, is fragile, and they are existencially dependent on their parents. Most of the parents are victimized by physical or physical and other forms of violence. The type of violence is significantly related to the sex of the abuser and the state of his mental health. Victimization is, as a rule, repeated and in a large number of cases, there is a danger of further progression of violence. Family dynamics is characterized by the absence of boundaries, rules, with parental permissiveness, and powerlessness. High dysfunctionality of family relations can be noted. In summary, the findings provide empirical confirmation of the ecosystem model assumptions.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Pravni fakultet, Beograd i Institut za uporedno pravo, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179035/RS//
dc.sourceCrimen (Beograd)
dc.subjectekološki modelsr
dc.subjectecosystem modelen
dc.titleNasilje mladih nad roditeljima u Beogradu - analiza dokumentacione građesr
dc.titleViolence of young people over parents in Belgrade: Analysis of official dataen
dc.citation.other10(1): 19-36

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