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Непрерывное профессиональное развитие преподавателей: совместная игра школьного менеджмента, школьного климата, мотивации и побуждения

dc.creatorOvesni, Kristinka
dc.creatorHebib, Emina
dc.creatorRadović, Vera
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uzajamnih veza insentiva i motivacije koji podstiču nastavnike i utiču na njihovo učešće u programima za kontinuirano profesionalno usavršavanje (KPUN) sa karakteristikama organizacije (efektivni školski menadžment i podsticajna školska klima), te učešćem nastavnika u programima za KPUN i njihovim zadovoljstvom tim programima. Uzorak su činili nastavnici iz 92 osnovne škole iz Srbije (N=1162). Podaci su prikupljani pomoću tri instrumenta, koji se sastoje od ukupno 93 stavke, za merenje percepcije: podsticajnosti školskog menadžmenta, školske klime i različitih insentiva i motiva. Prikupljeni podaci podvrgnuti su nekolicini uobičajenih statističkih postupaka (frekvencije, standardna devijacija, aritmetička sredina i sl.), te složenijim statističkim postupcima (eksplanatorna faktorska analiza, konfirmatorna faktorska analiza, modelovanje strukturalnih jednačina). Rezultati upućuju na složenu međusobnu "igru" motivacije i insentiva sa percepcijom školskog menadžmenta i školske klime i ukazuju na potrebu za detaljnim planiranjem, razvojem i realizacijom programa za KPUN koji bi bili korisni za svakodnevi posao nastavnika, njihovu samorealizaciju i poboljšanje performanse, dok bi u tom procesu valjalo posebnu pažnju pokloniti razvoju školskog menadžmenta i školske klime podsticajne za kontinuirano profesionalno usavršavanje nastavnika.sr
dc.description.abstractThis study is aimed to explore interconnections of incentives and motivation that instigate and affect teachers to participate in programs for continuing professional development of teachers (CPDT) with organizational characteristics (effective school management and supportive school climate) that support teachers' participation in the CPDT programs, and their satisfaction with these programs. The sample of teachers from 92 primary schools in Serbia (N=1162) were included. The data were collected by three instruments that consisted of 93 items in total, that had to measure perception of: supportiveness of the school management, the school climate, and the different incentives and motives. The collected data were subjected to a few common (frequencies, std. deviation, means, etc.) and more complex statistical proceedings (exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis). The results indicate complex interplay of motivation and incentives with perceived school management and perceived school climate, with emphasis on requirement for detailed planning, development and distribution of CPDT programs that are useful for everyday activities of teachers, for their self-realization and for improvement of their performance, while in this process special attention should be given to development of effective school management and school climate conductive for teacher's continuing professional development.en
dc.publisherPedagoško društvo Srbije, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.sourceNastava i vaspitanje
dc.subjectškolski menadžmentsr
dc.subjectškolska klimasr
dc.subjectprogrami kontinuiranog profesionalnog usavršavanja nastavnikasr
dc.subjectschool managementen
dc.subjectschool climateen
dc.subjectprograms for continuing professional development of teachersen
dc.titleKontinuirani profesionalni razvoj nastavnika - međusobna igra školskog menadžmenta, školske klime, motivacije i insentivasr
dc.titleНепрерывное профессиональное развитие преподавателей: совместная игра школьного менеджмента, школьного климата, мотивации и побужденияru
dc.titleContinuing professional development of teachers: Interplay of the school management, school climate, motivation and incentivesen
dc.citation.other68(2): 159-177



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