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The contribution of pedagogical studies to the development of pedagogues' professional competencies: Practitioners' assessments

dc.creatorHebib, Emina
dc.creatorOvesni, Kristinka
dc.description.abstractU uslovima dominacije teorijsko-praktičnog koncepta obrazovanja usmerenog na razvoj kompetencija, u oblasti visokog obrazovanja studijski programi koncipiraju se na temeljima prethodno definisanih profesionalnih kompetencija koje treba razvijati kod studenata. Ostvarivanje profesionalne uloge pedagoga, zbog njene složenosti, podrazumeva razvijenost brojnih i različitih kompetencija. Jedan od najvažnijih faktora u njihovom razvoju jesu studije pedagogije. U ovom radu dati su prikaz i analiza rezultata istraživanja čiji je cilj bilo ispitivanje procena pedagoga o tome kakav je doprinos studija pedagogije razvoju kompetencija potrebnih za profesionalno delovanje. U istraživanju su učestvovala 152 pedagoga zaposlena u različitim vaspitno-obrazovnim institucijama u Republici Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da pedagozi procenjuju da su programi studija pedagogije usmereni ka uravnoteženom razvijanju brojnih i različitih kompetencija, ali da sve one nisu podjednako važne za profesionalno delovanje. Osim toga, rezultati istraživanja pokazuju statistički značajne razlike između pedagoga u preferencijama važnosti pojedinih kompetencija za profesionalno delovanje i proceni mere u kojoj su one razvijene tokom studija s obzirom na godine radnog staža i organizaciju u kojoj su zaposleni. Dobijeni rezultati istraživanja mogu se koristiti kao jedna od osnova za dalji razvoj studijskih programa pedagogije.sr
dc.description.abstractDue to the circumstances enabling the dominance of the theoretical-practical concept of education directed towards the development of competencies, higher education study programs have been based on the foundations of the previously established professional competencies that ought to be developed in students. Due to its complexity, the fulfilment of the professional role of the pedagogue requires the development of numerous and distinct competencies. Pedagogical studies are among the most important factors for their development. This paper comprises a presentation and analysis of the results of a research aimed to study pedagogues' assessments on the contribution of pedagogical studies to the development of competencies required for professional activities. The research sample included 152 pedagogues employed at various pedagogical and educational institutions in the Republic of Serbia. The results of the research indicate that pedagogues estimate that pedagogical study programs are directed towards a balanced development of many different competencies, but that not all of them are of equal importance for professional activities. Moreover, the results of the research highlight the statistically significant differences among pedagogues in terms of the preferred importance of specific competencies for professional activities and the assessment of their development throughout studies, taking into account their years of experience and workplace. The results of the research may be used as a starting point for the further development of pedagogical study programs.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za pedagogiju i andragogiju, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/179060/RS//
dc.sourceAndragoške studije
dc.subjectstudije pedagogijesr
dc.subjectprofesionalne kompetencije pedagogasr
dc.subjectprofessional competences of pedagoguesen
dc.subjectpedagogical studiesen
dc.titleDoprinos studija pedagogije razvoju profesionalnih kompetencija pedagoga - procene praktičarasr
dc.titleThe contribution of pedagogical studies to the development of pedagogues' professional competencies: Practitioners' assessmentsen
dc.citation.other(2): 47-67



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