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Construction and validation of Multifaceted Inventory for the Self-Report of Psychopathy (MISP)

dc.creatorCupać, Đorđe
dc.creatorMicić, Isidora
dc.creatorMijatović, Nevena
dc.creatorPavlović, Svetlana
dc.creatorStekić, Katarina
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada bio je konstruisanje i validacija Multifacetnog inventara za samoprocenu psihopatije (MISP). Pri konstrukciji pilot-verzije instrumenta uzeto je u obzir više modela na osnovu kojih je izdvojeno deset indikatora koji se odnose na afektivne, bihejvioralne i interpersonalne deficite. Pilot-istraživanje instrumenta sa 100 stavki sprovedeno je na 554 ispitanika putem interneta, nakon čega je ostavljeno najboljih 50 stavki. Validaciona studija izvršena je na 232 srednjoškolca 51,7 % ženskog pola, uzrasta 18 i 19 godina. Finalna verzija testa, nakon dodatnog izbacivanja stavki, sastoji se od 40 stavki. Konstrukt valjanost ispitana je faktorskom analizom, pri čemu je izdvojeno šest faktora koji mere crte psihopatije i imaju zadovoljavajuće metrijske karakteristike. Izdvojeni faktori nazvani su: Grandioznost, Manipulativnost, Nasilnost, Površne partnerske veze, Bezosećajnost i Dezinhibicija. Ispitivanjem korelacija s testom za samoprocenu psihopatije SRP-III potvrđeno je da MISP poseduje zadovoljavajuću konstrukt valjanost. Konvergentna valjanost potvrđena je povezanošću s testom makijavelizma MACH-IV i testom ličnosti HEXACO-60. Test poseduje i dijagnostičku valjanost, s obzirom na to da muškarci na svim faktorima osim Dezinhibicije ostvaruju više rezultate od žena. Multifacetni inventar za samoprocenu psihopatije (MISP) zadovoljava kriterijume valjanog testa koji bi mogao biti u upotrebi kao instrument za procenu psihopatskih crta u istraživanjima na srpskom govornom području, uz neophodnu proveru validnosti na uzorku odraslih iz opšte populacije i kazneno-popravnih zavoda.sr
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to construct, evaluate psychometrically and validate the Multifaceted Inventory for the Self-Report of Psychopathy (MISP). The pilot version consisted of 100 items arranged in 10 indicators related to affective, behavioral and interpersonal deficits. After dropping items that didn't have satisfactory psychometric characteristics in the pilot study, 50 items were left. The validation study was conducted on 232 high school students (51,7 % females), age 18 to 19. After dropping more items, final version of the instrument consists of 40 items. The construct validity was examined through factor analysis. 6 factors were extracted and all of these factors have good metric characteristics. Factors were named: manipulation, grandiosity, superficial relationships, violence, disinhibition and insensibility. Also, construct validity is shown by correlations with inventory for psychopathy self-report SRP-III. Convergent validity is confirmed by association with macchiavelism test MACH-IV and personality test HEXACO. MISP also has diagnostic validity, because men on all factors other than Disinhibition have higher scores than women. The Multifaceted Inventory for the Self-Report of Psychopathy (MISP) meets the criteria of a valid test that could be used as an instrument for assessing psychopathic traits in the Serbian speaking area, with the necessary validation on the sample of adults from the general population and correctional institutions.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu - Filozofski fakultet - Institut za psihologiju, Beograd
dc.sourcePsihološka istraživanja
dc.subjectvalidacija testasr
dc.subjectkonstrukcija testasr
dc.subjecttest validationen
dc.subjecttest constructionen
dc.titleRazvoj i validacija Multifacetnog inventara za samoprocenu psihopatijesr
dc.titleConstruction and validation of Multifaceted Inventory for the Self-Report of Psychopathy (MISP)en
dc.citation.other22(1): 153-184



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