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Analysis of textbook and workbook for subject introduction to social sciences in the 4th grade of elementary school

dc.creatorPešikan, Ana
dc.creatorJanković-Antić, Slobodanka V.
dc.description.abstractU radu su preko aktivnosti dece analizovani oblici učenja koji se javljaju u pitanjima i zadacima u udžbeniku i radnim listovima za predmet poznavanje društva za IV razred osnovne škole (Danilović, Danilović, 1997; Danilović, Danilović, 1996). Metod rada bio je analiza sadržaja. Jedinicu analize predstavljalo je svako pojedino pitanje ili zadatak. Složene zadatke delili smo na najsitnije smislene celine i držali se principa da jedan zadatak ne može istovremeno biti klasifikovan u više kategorija. Analizu sadržaja obavljala su dva nezavisna procenjivača, koji su prethodno zajednički napravili merni instrument i razradili način analize. U analizi smo prvo utvrđivali koje aktivnosti zahteva od deteta svako pitanje ili zadatak, a na osnovu toga koji oblik učenja je dominantan. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je dominantan oblik učenja u svim pitanjima i zadacima smisleno receptivno verbalno učenje, i to vidu reproduktivnih zadataka. Uočen je visok procenat zadataka koji su besmisleni, po nekom od kriterijuma koje smo definisali za potrebe ovog rada (jezička nepreciznost, neprilagođenost težine karakteristikama uzrasta, intelektualna nepreciznost, nedostatak informacija ili uslova da se realizuje zadatak, podsticanje 'bubanja').sr
dc.description.abstractWe have analyzed the methods of teaching appearing in the questions and tasks in the textbook and workbook for the subject Introduction to social sciences in the 4th grade of elementary school through the pupils activities. The method used was content analysis. The unit of content was every single question or task. The complex tasks were divided into smallest meaningful units. The principle followed was that a single task or unit could not be classified into more than one category. Two analysts have jointly prepared the instrument, developed the method of analysis and then carried the analysis independently. The first step in analysis was to determine the pupils' activities required by each question or task. This was the basis for determining the dominant method of learning. The obtained results have shown that in all questions and tasks the dominant method of learning is the comprehensive receptive verbal learning, in the form of reproductive tasks. We have noted high percentage of tasks that are meaningless under any of criteria defined for the purpose of this work (language imprecision, the difficulty of tasks not adapted to the pupils' age, intellectual imprecision, lack of information or conditions to perform the task, encouraging 'cramming').en
dc.publisherDruštvo psihologa Srbije, Beograd
dc.subjectoblici učenjasr
dc.subjectanaliza udžbenikasr
dc.subjectanaliza sadržajasr
dc.subjectaktivno učenjesr
dc.subjecttextbook analysisen
dc.subjectmethods of learningen
dc.subjectcontent analysisen
dc.subjectactive learningen
dc.titleAnaliza udžbenika i radne sveske za predmet poznavanje društva za IV razred osnovne školesr
dc.titleAnalysis of textbook and workbook for subject introduction to social sciences in the 4th grade of elementary schoolen
dc.citation.other31(1-2): 137-152



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