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Egeta (Brza Palanka): Excavation results from 2018 and 2019

dc.creatorŠpehar, Perica
dc.creatorJanjić, Gordan
dc.description.abstractTokom 2018. i 2019. godine nastavljena su arheološka istraživanja višeslojnog nalazišta Egeta u blizini Brze Palanke. U prvoj kampanji sprovedena je neinvazivna arheološka prospekcija na prostoru Utvrđenja II i njegove šire okoline. Izvršeno je geomagnetno snimanje na površini od 1 ha, kojim je bila obuhvaćena unutrašnjost pomenute fortifikacije, kao i prostor na kome se moglo očekivati postojanje nekropole, budući da su tu, prema rečima meštana, prilikom zemljanih radova pronalaženi ostaci ljudskih kostiju. Naredne godine, u skladu sa dobijenim rezultatima geomagnetne prospekcije, sprovedena su iskopavanja unutar Utvrđenja II. Tom prilikom istraživanja su sprovedena u tri sektora dimenzija 10 h 5 m, od kojih su dva postavljena na pretpostavljenu trasu severnog i istočnog bedema, dok je poslednji postavljen uz južni bedem, sa njegove unutrašnje strane. Dobijeni rezultati ukazali su na to da su, u istočnoj polovini utvrđenja i na trasi južnog bedema, slojeve potpuno devastirali pripadnici JNA sredinom 20. veka. Sakupljeni arheološki materijal ukazuje na postojanje poznog halštatskog, kao i intenzivnog srednjovekovnog sloja. Osim toga, sakupljena je i značajna količina nalaza iz perioda turske dominacije.SR
dc.description.abstractArchaeological excavations of Egeta, conducted during the campaigns of 2018 and 2019, provided new data about this important multi-layered site. Primarily, via geomagnetic survey, it was established that no masonry graves or grave pits were discovered in the zone where, according to the testimonies of local inhabitants, human skeletal remains were unearthed, however, traces of archaeological structures of different shapes and sizes were registered. Based on the survey conducted within the central part of Fortification II, a large stone construction (dimensions: 50 x 6 m) was observed, as well as numerous archaeological structures of diverse shapes and dimensions. During archaeological excavations, it was noticed that the oldest horizon of habitation can be linked to the late Hallstatt period. The finds dated into this period were discovered in the southern part of the fortification. Although shreds of Roman pottery were sporadically found, as well as two coins (one of which can be dated into the 4th century), no clear horizon was discovered that could be tied to the said period. The following, clearly defined horizon of habitation, belonged to the Middle Ages, as testified by the remains of two semi dug-in houses in the southern part of the fortification, as well as by some specific finds such as ceramic pots, shreds of glass bracelets and five coins, the eldest of which is an anonymous follis dated into the middle of the 11th century. The remaining coins were dated into the period of the second half of the 12th and the first half of the 13th century. It is necessary to emphasize that some of the medieval finds originate from a horizon of intensive demolition and burning, which is a testimony of the violent cease of active living here. There were also finds dated to the late Ottoman period, like pipes, for example, as well as one silver aspra, dated into the 18th/19th century. Excavations showed that Eastern and southern ramparts were destroyed in the mid-20th century by members of the Yugoslav National Army, who dug in a defensive trench with breastwork there. The important question is when the fortification was built. During the last quarter of the 20th century, it was noticed that this fort was quite different from the rest of the Roman and Late Antique fortifications in the Iron Gates region. The thickness of cultural horizons is significantly larger than suggested (0.4 to 0.5 m), which offers the possibility that the dating of Fortification II can be positively established by future excavations, primarily along the inner wall of the western rampart. The fortification certainly had an important role during the medieval period.EN
dc.publisherSrpsko arheološko društvo, Beograd
dc.sourceGlasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva
dc.subjectsrednjovekovni periodSR
dc.subjectperiod turske dominacijeSR
dc.subjectgeomagnetna prospekcijaSR
dc.subjectOttoman periodEN
dc.subjectmedieval periodEN
dc.subjectgeomagnetic prospectionEN
dc.titleRezultati istraživanja lokaliteta Egeta (Brza Palanka) u 2018. i 2019. godiniSR
dc.titleEgeta (Brza Palanka): Excavation results from 2018 and 2019EN
dc.citation.other(36): 243-259



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