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Public virtues and private pleasures: How TV culture emerged in socialist Yugoslavia

dc.creatorErdei, Ildiko
dc.description.abstractTelevizija je tehnologija koja je promenila 20. vek, a takođe je bila i velika društvena i kulturna sila modernizacije nakon Drugog svetskog rata, sa obe strane Gvozdene zavese. U socijalističkim zemljama, televizija je bila blisko povezana sa ideologijom orijentisanom na budućnost, u cilju obezbeđenja demokratizacija znanja, promocije društvenih vrednosti i razvoja građana odanih socijalizmu. Početak TV programa u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji 1958. otvorio je vrata za postepeni razvoj TV kulture tokom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih godina 20. veka, čiji se celokupan uticaj na subjektivizaciju i svakodnevni život publike ne može poreći. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ukratko prikaže kontekst u kome se kultura televizije u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji pojavila i razvila, u to u dva pravca: prodor televizije u manja mesta i seoske zajednice tokom šezdesetih godina prošlog veka i društveno-kulturni uticaj i posledice emitovanja serije Gradić Pejton tokom ranih sedamdesetih.SR
dc.description.abstractTelevision represented the transformative technology in the 20th century, and it has also served as a major social and cultural force for modernization after World War II, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. In socialist countries, television was closely connected with future-oriented ideology and aimed to provide the democratization of knowledge, promotion of socialist values, and development of the socialist citizenry. The beginning of TV broadcast in socialist Yugoslavia in 1958 gave way to the gradual development of TV culture during the sixties and seventies, the overall impact of which on the subjectivities and everyday lives of the viewers was undeniable. The aim of this paper is to briefly outline the context in which television culture in socialist Yugoslavia emerged and achieved momentum, pinpointing two periods: the penetration of TV into small places and villages during the sixties and the socio-cultural influence and ramifications of the broadcast of "Peyton Place" in the early seventies.EN
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Nišu, Niš
dc.sourceFacta universitatis - series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History
dc.subjectTV kulturaSR
dc.subjectTelevizija BeogradSR
dc.subjectnavike publikeSR
dc.subjectGradić PejtonSR
dc.subjectviewing practicesEN
dc.subjectTV cultureEN
dc.subjectBelgrade TelevisionEN
dc.subject"Peyton Place"EN
dc.titleJavne vrednosti i tajna zadovoljstva - rađanje TV kulture u socijalističkoj JugoslavijiSR
dc.titlePublic virtues and private pleasures: How TV culture emerged in socialist YugoslaviaEN
dc.citation.other19(2): 93-108



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