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Islam ante portas: Application of Bauman's Theory of a Foreigner to the Analysis of Social Distance towards Muslim Migrants in Serbia

dc.creatorJovanović Ajzenhamer, Nataša
dc.description.abstractBaumanova teorija o odnosu zapadnog stanovništva prema migrantima počiva na analizi nekoliko aspekata: ontološkom, etičkom, ekonomskom, socijalnom, političkom i bezbednosnom. Radi se o složenoj teoriji koja se nadovezuje na njegova ranija istraživanja o fluidnom životu, globalizaciji i (post)modernosti. U ovom radu najpre ću predstaviti osnovne Baumanove hipoteze o odnosu prema strancima koji dolaze "na naša vrata", a potom ću te hipoteze primeniti na analizu tzv. "migrantske krize" u Srbiji. Iako Bauman svoju teoriju zasniva na iskustvima zemalja Zapadne Evrope, nastojaću da pokažem zašto njegovi zaključci mogu da se prošire i na zemlje poluperiferije svetskog kapitalizma, kakva je Srbija. Da bih proverila neke od Baumanovih hipoteza analiziraću istraživanja javnog mnjenja u Srbiji. Budući da ne analiziram istraživanje koje je rezultat direktne operacionalizacije Baumanove teorije, te stoga ne mogu govoriti o potvrđivanju ili opovrgavanju njegovih pretpostavki, analiza sekundarne građe poslužiće mi kao početna orijentacija i heuristička izvidnica za neka buduća istraživanja u tom pravcu.SR
dc.description.abstractBauman's theory of the attitude of the Western population towards migrants is based on the analysis of several aspects: ontological, ethical, economic, social, political and security. It is a complex theory which is build on his earlier research on fluid life, globalization, and the (post)modernity. In this paper, I will first present Bauman's basic hypotheses about the attitude towards foreigners who are comming "to our door", and then I will apply these hypotheses to the analysis of the situation with the migrant crisis in Serbia. Although Bauman bases his theory on the experiences of Western European countries, I will try to show why his conclusions can be extended to countries on the periphery of world capitalism, such as Serbia. To test some of Bauman's hypotheses, I will analyse public opinion polls in Serbia. Although I did not conduct the research by operationalizing Bauman's theory and therefore I cannot speak of confirming or refuting his assumptions, the analysis of secondary empirical data will serve as our initial orientation and heuristic reconnaissance for some future research in that direction.EN
dc.publisherSrpska akademija nauka i umetnosti SANU - Etnografski institut, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/47010/RS//
dc.sourceGlasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU
dc.subjectZigmunt BaumanSR
dc.subjectsociološka teorijaSR
dc.subjectsocijalna distancaSR
dc.subjectmigracije s Bliskog istokaSR
dc.subjectZygmunt BaumanEN
dc.subjectsociological theoryEN
dc.subjectsocial distanceEN
dc.subjectmigrations from Middle EastEN
dc.titleIslam ante portas - primena Baumanove teorije o strancu na analizu socijalne distance prema muslimanskim migrantima u SrbijiSR
dc.titleIslam ante portas: Application of Bauman's Theory of a Foreigner to the Analysis of Social Distance towards Muslim Migrants in SerbiaEN
dc.citation.other68(3): 749-771



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