Приказ резултата 395-414 од 918

      Looking in the rear-view mirror: Reverse Chronicle of Covid-19 lockdown in Serbia [1]
      Love in the age of cholera: Ethnographic film and visual anthropology [1]
      Love in the Third Age. Partner Relationships between Occupants of Retirement Homes and Strategies of Action [1]
      Love in the time of the post-apocalypse - ways of imagining love after the end of the world [1]
      Managing HIV/HCV - related risk at private places among Belgrade injecting drug users [1]
      Mape stereotipa" kao duhovito-opaki proizvod : folklorizacija i komercijalizacija etničkih predrasuda u internet prostoru [1]
      Mario Katić, Domorodci i gospodari: historijsko-antropopološka studija stvaranja bosanskohercegovačkog grada Vareša, Sarajevo-Zagreb 2020, 144 str. [1]
      Masculinity as an alternative parameter of ethnic identity: Montenegrins in the village of Lovćenac [1]
      Mask and myth [1]
      Maska i mit [1]
      Maskulinitet kao alternativni parametar etničkog identiteta - crnogorci u Lovćencu [1]
      Meal of the day after tomorrow: Ideas about food and nourishment in post-apocalyptic movies [1]
      Medicinal plants in the treatment of skin diseases in Serbia during 19th and 20th century [1]
      Mercantile Legends of Post-Industrial Society [1]
      Merkantilne legende postindustrijskog društva [1]
      Mesta straha: tretman urbanih fenomena u modernoj horor prozi – antropološka perspektiva [1]
      Metodološki okvir proučavanja nostalgije i životnih priča [1]
      Michel Leiris - Ethnologist in search of meanings [1]
      Migrant Poetry - Anthropological Analysis on the Collection of Poems by Drago Trumbetas [1]
      Migrants of the Future – Serbian Youth between Imaginary and Real Migration [1]