Приказ резултата 140-159 од 417

      Informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije u usavršavanju nastavnika srednjih stručnih škola [1]
      Information and communication technologies in the professional development of vocational school teachers [1]
      Information and communication technology (ICT) and educational management [1]
      Informisana saglasnost kao etičko pitanje onlajn-istraživanja - perspektiva ispitanika [1]
      Insights from Liminality Navigating the Space of Transition and Learning [1]
      Integrated educational support for the elderly: towards the new quality of education of elderly [1]
      Integrisana obrazovna podrška starijima: ka novom kvalitetu obrazovanja starijih [1]
      Interaction of quantitative and qualitative methodology in mixed methods research: integration and/or combination [1]
      Interdependence of the employment of different groups of occupation and level of qualification [1]
      Intergenerational Communities: Advancing Educational Equity Through Community Learning [1]
      Intergenerational community theatre as a basis for learning through visual methods [1]
      International class – continuos creating of the group [1]
      Internet pismenost kao nužnost u doba krize – andragoške specifičnosti [1]
      Interplay Between the Human Resource Development Activities and Organizational Commitment [1]
      Introduction: Contemporary World and Adult Learning and Education [1]
      Iskustveno učenje i obrazovanje odraslih [1]
      Istorijska istraživanja u andragogiji [1]
      Izazovi roditelja u vezi sa obrazovanjem svoje dece u vreme krize izazvane pandemijom COVID-19 [1]
      Jugoslovenska koncepcija delovanja u vanrednim situacijama i obrazovanje i učenje odraslih: lekcije iz prošlosti [1]
      Kako obrazovati naučni podmladak? Model doktorskih škola [1]