Now showing items 41-60 of 1240

      A report by Branislav Nušić on journey from Priština to Skadar in 1894 [1]
      A Russian Triodion Sticherarion From the Late 12th [1]
      A Russian triodion sticherarion from the late 12th century: MS Hilandar 307 [1]
      A Sea of Miracles: Reflections on Narrative Space in Medieval Serbian Hagiography [1]
      A soldier's diary from the time of the great Turkish war 1683-1699 [1]
      Activities of Priest Nicodim in Eastern Serbia and Wallachia [1]
      Alaida Asman. Oblici zaborava. Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek, 2018, 214. [1]
      Albanian Rebellions in Kosovo Villayet in 1910 [1]
      Albanian rebellions in Kosovo villayet in 1910 [1]
      Ale i kohorte u vojsci rimskih provincija Mezije i Dakije od I do III veka n.e. [1]
      Aleksandra Novakov: Stubovi srpske prosvete - srpske srednje škole u Osmanskom carstvu 1878-1912, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2017 [1]
      Aleksandra Novakov: The pillars of Serbian education: Serbian secondary schools in the Ottoman Empire 1878-1912, Zavod za udžbenike, Beograd, 2017 [1]
      Aleksei Olenin and Тhe birth of Slavic paleography [1]
      Ali Pasha and Napoleon Bonaparte: From Diplomatic Correspondence to Struggle Over Possessions in the Ionian Basin [1]
      Alliances and Neutrality/Non-Alignment before and after the Second World War: A Theoretical Framework [1]
      Alojzije Stepinac pitomac Papskog zavoda Germanikum (1924-1931) [1]
      Alojzije Stepinac: Student of the Collegium Germanicum (1924-1931) [1]
      Americanization of everyday life of the Yugoslav film during 1960-es [1]
      Američke stipendije u Jugoslaviji 50-ih i 60-ih godina XX veka [1]
      Amerikanizacija jugoslovenske filmske svakodnevice šezdesetih godina 20. veka [1]