Приказ резултата 880-899 од 1312

      The treaty of Kumanovo [1]
      The Trial For Heresy And The System Of Punishment Of Members Of The Lollard Sect In England [1]
      The Truman doctrine, Greece and Yugoslav reactions, 1947-1949 [1]
      The Twenty Thousand Slaves of Thucydidus 7.27.5 [1]
      The typikon of the Mother of God Kosmosoteira by sebastokratoros Isaakios (1151/1152): Historical context and the ktetor's intentions [1]
      The Urso Pekluso affair [1]
      The use of hashish and opium: A Contribution Towards Study of Everyday Life in the Early Modern Balkans [1]
      The Új Symposion Journal on Trial in Yugoslavia (1971/72) [1]
      The Veneto-Austrian Alliance of 1716 in the Light of English Sources [1]
      The view from Belgrade to Czechoslovakia in 1968 [1]
      The “Grand Bargain” of the Yalta Conference and its Implementation on the Ground: the Case of Yugoslavia. Border Insurgency 1945-1948 [1]
      Thwarted mixed marriage: Failed attempt of marriage between Gypsy man and Serb woman in Negotin in 1851 [1]
      Timagorin slučaj u Plutarhovim Životopisima Artakserksa i Pelopide. Da li je Timagora osuđen na smrt zbog primanja carskih darova? [1]
      Tipikon manastira Bogorodice Kosmosotire sevastokratora Isaka Komnina (1151/1152) - specifičnosti teksta i istorijski kontekst [1]
      Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk and the creation of the Yugoslav state [1]
      Tomb Treasures of the Late Middle Kingdom. The Archaeology of Female Burials [1]
      Toponomastics of early Ottoman defterler as a source of study of medival mining in the Upper Podrinje [1]
      Tracking the mapmaker: The role of Marsigli's itineraries and surveys at Karlowitz and Passarowitz [1]
      Tradesmen from Dubrovnik in Mitrovica in the XIV Century [1]
      Transcript of Serbian homes in the Manastir vilayet given to the Greek Consul in Bitola in 1910 [1]