Now showing items 662-681 of 1660

      Le Partie, C'est Moi? Imidž lidera kao determinanta izborne orijentacije u Srbiji od 1990. do 2020. godine [1]
      Learning and developing over the life-course: A sociocultural approach [1]
      Learning experiences and the biggest challenges of Serbian students during COVID-19 pandemic [1]
      Learning to Ignore: The Development of Time-Based Visual Attention in Children [1]
      Leaving school: Analysis of a case study from the angle of the ecological approach [1]
      Leisure from the youth perspective: a qualitative analysis of high school students' time diary [1]
      Leisure Patterns and Values in Adolescents from Serbia born in 1990s: An Attempt at Building a Bridge between the Two Domains [1]
      Leisure time in adolescence: behavioural patterns and adolescents’ groups [1]
      Lični doživljaj telesnosti mladih koji se bave brejk densom [1]
      Lični i društveni ciljevi i stavovi prema političkim strankama [1]
      Lični i društveni ciljevi studenata u kontekstu njihovog profesionalnog usmerenja [1]
      Ličnosne dispozicije ka kriminalnom recidivu u uzorku institucionalizovanih adolescenata [1]
      Life aspirations as musical preference factors among high school students [1]
      Lifecycle, generational, and period effects on emancipative values in Serbia [1]
      Lightness contrast & assimilation: testing the hypotheses [1]
      Linkage between interests and verbal fluency of primary school pupils [1]
      Lives versus Livelihoods? Perceived economic risk has a stronger association with support for COVID-19 preventive measures than perceived health risk [1]
      Living as a longterm psychiatric service user in Serbia: the importance of community-based mental health support [1]
      Ljubav prema istraživanjima u doba korone [1]
      Lockdown Lives: A Longitudinal Study of Inter-Relationships Among Feelings of Loneliness, Social Contacts, and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Early 2020 [1]