Prikaz rezultata 1603-1622 od 1660

      Wish I was here - anisotropy of egocentric distances and perceived self-location [1]
      Woman as a subject of childbirth: Physical, technological and institutional aspects [1]
      Women's Experiences of Childbirth in Serbian Public Healthcare Institutions: a Qualitative Study [1]
      Women's trust in the healthcare system in Serbia: Validation of the Women's Trust and Confidence in Healthcare System scale [1]
      Work Engagement in Serbia: Psychometric Properties of the Serbian Version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) [1]
      Work Satisfaction of Female Scientists in the Serbian Post-Socialist Transformation Context [1]
      Work-related burnout syndrome in special education teachers working with children with developmental disorders - possible correlations with some socio-demographic aspects and assertiveness [1]
      Workaholism, work engagement, and burnout among academics in Montenegro: A psychometric network approach [1]
      Working memory as a distinctive property between type 1 and type 2 processing in dual process theories [1]
      Workplace bullying in Serbia: The relation of self-labeling and behavioral experience with job-related behaviors [1]
      World public opinion on world economic crisis [1]
      Young people's leisure time: Gender differences [1]
      Youth spare time: Typical patterns of behavior [1]
      Youth study Serbia 2018/2019 [1]
      Zašto kompetentniji adolescenti napreduju ili nazaduju nakon asimetrične vršnjačke interakcije: ispitivanje karakteristika dijaloga koje prave tu razliku [1]
      Zašto nam je toliko teško da se složimo ili o jahačima slonova i devedesetoprocentnim šimpanzama - Džonatan Hajt: Psihologija morala - O pravičnom umu ili mogu li politika i religija podeliti dobre ljude [1]
      Zašto posećenost noći muzeja ne predviđa posećenost muzeja tokom godine - odnos stavova i ponašanja [1]
      Značaj kvalitativnog pristupa u oblasti procene Inteligencije [1]
      Značaj vršnjačke interakcije za razvoj mišljenja u adolescenciji [1]
      Žena kao subjekt porođaja - telesni, tehnološki i institucionalni aspekti [1]